KattraKnit: Poison Inside part 2

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KattraKnit requested Poison Inside part 2

I don't think its suppose to work that way...

"Quiet, busy," Ink scowled.

Yes.. busy, with painting a door

"Look, Error is sick and sooner or later he's going to be pushed to work while he's still out of it," Ink told them.

And what is the door for?

"Its for... I forgot?" Ink said frowning.

Good job squid

"Have you been taking nickname suggestions from Error?" Ink asked the voice of creation.

Oh look at the time on my watch, I'm late for work!

"You don't even have a body and being the voice of creation is your job!" Ink shouted.

There was silence.

"Finally silence from the damn thing."


"Now its too quiet."


"Mwaa ha ha ha, escape!" Error said gleefully, he'd escaped the and soon the doodlesphere.

"Error... why are you squiggling on the ground like a worm?" Ink asked looking down at him.


"Okaaaaaayyyy... guess you don't want chocolate." Ink said turning to leave.

And blinked.. for Error was in bed as if he never left, Ink twitched.

"Well...." Error glared.

"You concern me, and I'm the soulless one with memory problems," Ink responded.

"Feed me."


"Please tell me there is a faster way to get better from magical poisoning," Ink begged.

"Error still driving you nuts?" Sci said looking up from his computer.

Inks deadpan look said it all.

"Sorry, it takes as long as it takes. Your fault for taking him on," Sci said not very concerned.

"There has got to be a way to get him to behave?" Ink begged.

A very amused looked crossed Sci's face for a moment.

"Please!" he begged.

"Call Reaper, tell him Error is sick,"Sci said with a strange giggle.

"How does that fix things?" he asked confused.

"Just call."


"Geno by beloved"




"What the heck," Ink said freaked out, as as soon as Reaper appeared the elder Death became a love stuck clue and Error became a flustered mess.

"Come Ruru, Life will get you back to normal in no time," Reaper said scooping a behaving non resisting Destroyer in his arms vanishing with him.

"What the heck..." he said again.

Shhhhhh... don't ruin the moment.

"Urggghhhhhh," Ink cried.

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