MLDmoonlight: What was lost is Found

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Requested by MLDmoonlight I'm still new in making requests but here se go. In the FGOD universe just after the ambush Error jump into the void and ended up in his old AU where everyone tough he went missing.His Papyrus ended up finding him passed out in the snow and toke him to Alphys tô heal his wonds,since Error was the only glicht in the Au they thougt It was a different monster till they read his stats and fond out it was actually his Sans that went missing years ago. How would they react to the fact that ther lazy pun making skeleton became a 9 feet glichty destroyer in another multiverse.(the Au and if ther reaction is good or bad is up tô you.And please try forgive my grammer, english is not my first language and my auto-corrector dosen't help much.) (๑•﹏•)

Must admit this was one of my favorite new requests...

Death was the end.

Death was release.

Release from the stress, from the hatred...

From the never ending hell.

The void was a painful way to go, but it was the only escape fates chain.

Being ripped apart was better then living this.

Screw Ink and his band of Star sanses, screw the multiverse falling apart.

Error was done.

"Funk this, I'm out," Error said, darn you Fresh for being near and censoring his final words.

And jumped...


Sorry Nighty...

Then... nothing.


Papyrus sighed as he worked on the puzzles, another day...

Yet another day...

The resets never ended.

A child fell, either came out of the ruins shyly or covered with dust.

It ended on the surface or death.

Papyrus wished he had remembered the resets before Sans had gone missing.

He missed his lazy brother so much, his puns, the ketchup...

He wanted to say sorry to him, not realizing his brother was depressed due to resets that at that time he didn't remember.

In ways he'd been a horrible brother, not realizing how his brother felt.... even without the resets should have realized something was wrong.

The tall skeleton paused, a frown coming to his face.

"Static?" he questioned, as he could barely hear the sound.

Something dark was aying in the snow ahead.

"Alphys!" he screamed a moment later, strange black glitching skeleton in his arms.


"Oh my.. he's so badly hurt," Alphys cried unhappily, as the large black bones skeleton was placed on the bed.

"Can You Help Him?" Papyrus asked worriedly, after he told the tale of how he found the other.

"Of course I can," Alphys told him gently, and whisked her patient to a hospital style room.

Alphys quickly began to hook up the strange glitching skeletal monster to machines, most of them were meant to screen his soul and magic, another was a magic drip to keep whatever monster under it stable.

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