Laughing_Zombie/The_Lich_Queen: Bliss

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If it's okay by you, could you write something based on my 'ERROR - 404 - Not Found' series? What you do is completely up to you. Have fun writing! <3

Laughing can now be found on archiveofourow under the name The_Lich_Queen! Playing around in the 404 verse to the side with the 2shot Inspired/Jellyfish

She was getting married.

Nim was a bit excited about it.

She would have squealed a bit and scared off her silly cats.

Soon she'd be walking down that aisle with her chosen man.

So what if that man was Error from another multiverse, he was perfect in every way.

A blush covered her face.

Her father looked ready to murder his soon to be son in law, her mother just nodded wanting his baby happy.

"Why am I here?" a small voice asked, Nim smiled at the small being she had met during... a mass multiverse deletion/reset event.

"Because I want to have all my friends here," Nim said posing.

"And not because your nervous and using me as a Teddy bear?" Goth asked dryly.

"I would never," Nim lied.

Goth, sweet Tiny Goth.

Another Error reincarnation of course, and he was adorable.

Originally she had thought him Skully sized, but once she got a better look she realized the body was literally that of a Shin.

It had taken several conversations to get his story fully, only that the body was a shin but will all teh power of the Error behind it. He'd made a choice.

Total mama's boy at that too, Nim thought such devotion to ones family beautiful.

She was sad that he couldn't Blast though, curious if he would be like the Goth of her multiverse.

This Goth had no interest in Romance, fully happy to stay a child.

"Are you ready?" Goth asked.

"I was born ready," Nim said adjusting her veil.

"NightError said he'd be about to," Goth giggled as he slipped away.

"That name," she said making a face, know what she was going to call the odd fusion Ne.

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