xClaudyy: To be by your side

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requested by  xClaudyy Killermare? <3

Killer had never thought they'd fall in love.

The violent resets of his Au, its ending where he was alone.

Nightmare took his emotion, as he was too broken to function with them....

There had been issues with this, his levels and emotional state he did a lot of stupid things. He even gained a stalker with that idiot Color Sans, he didn't want to be saved and wished the other skeleton would just stop.

People seemed to think that Nightmare was truly evil, he wasn't.

They said he hated Dream, no.. he loved his twin but he would never forgive the golden brat.

They said he could not care, he had seen Nightmare gently talk screaming and crying Cross down after waking from night terrors filled with memories of being trapped in that white place where his AU once stood.

He saw Nightmare coax the Destroyer from his endless anti-void and nests and strings, slowly piecing them back together.

He gave Killer back his emotions once his levels no longer screamed at him.

Killer fell in love with his boss, and he didn't mind.

He was Boss's number one, he was always there to lend a hand.

He would kill for him.

He would live for him.

He.. would even leave his side forever if asked.

The soul wanted what the soul wanted.

He would have to wait, Nightmare wasn't ready for love.. probably not for a long time.

'I can wait, as long as I'm by your side' Killer thought.

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