SilentHearing402 Sealed

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Requested by  SilentHearing402  I've had this idea for a while nows. So you remember inks backstory right? Can you make him instead of tearing his soul apart he sealed it with away and the chains slowly broke because of the fact his friends slowly left him because of the fact he's soulless. And one day it all just snapped,the chains broke away reviving back his soul. Thank you for reading this I'm sorry it's so long I forgot to add this but I want errink or anything that has errink,and that's all

Ink.. he was pretty sure he remembered a before, where he didn't need the paints to not fill the eternal numbness. It was a lonely existence, and just because one was soulless and emotionless didn't mean he didn't understand loneliness.

He'd made friends.

Or people he thought were his friends.

Blue, who he realized he pretty much with Stretch's help forced into the Star Sans.

He didn't Blame Blue, Blue was a happy soul and hated fighting.

Even without the paints, he had realized this was wrong.

Then Dream... he had really liked Dream as a friend, sure Dreams power had helped him fee but that wasn't the reason he'd made friends with him.

Apparently the fact he was soulless was a horrible things, and that Dream somehow blamed Ink for Dream having a massive crush on him that led to marriage. Which made no sense in any logic, as he'd told Dream he was soulless a very long time ago.

Dream, your logic makes no sense at all!

He wondered if this was one of the reasons Nightmare could never forgive to Forget.

Thankfully Palette was away on a summer camping trip with Deaths family, so the small bones didn't know of his parents separation.

Ink was to impressed at all, as Dream hadn't even thought of there son.

Ink had, and he was soulless.

Others he had thought as friends had zoomed off with smoke trails left behind them, too many having issues of soulless beings due to a certain flower.

He was alone...

So very alone...

"So.. this is where it ends.." a glitchy vice said.

Ink turned shocked, standing there was Error leaning against a wall.

"Error, how did you get to this AU. It's blocked from you," Ink said shocked.

"Inky, Why would a little firewall stop me," Error snorted.

"What do you want Error, I'm really not in the mood," he replied eye lights going red.

"You've forgotten again," Error said walking forward.

"Forgot what| Ink said gritting his teeth.

"Nothing is born soulless," Error said and punched him in the chest.

Ink went flying backwards.

Reality shattered.

"I'm so lonely..." The small skeleton whispered.

Everything was white and unfinished around him.

He was a sketch.


"You can't be lonely if I'm here," a voice said.

"Sorry Error, its... just.. you can't always be here," he replied.

"There are other places, where I can take you. This Au is soon to collapse as its voice vanished," Error replied.

""I'd like to stay till the end, they may not exist as we do.. but its the right thing to do," Ink replied.

"Inky, you sure? You realize if you stay. You'll be here when I destroy it to keep it from collapsing into the void right? That could be years away, and I don't know when I'll be back," Error replied.

"I'm sure.." Ink replied.

"When I come back, lets go on a date," Error told him.

"It sounds like fun," Ink grinned.

He settled down for some lonely time.

Ink slammed through a wall.

Something broke.

And it wasn't the wall.

His AU had stopped responding.

It had been years.

And even the unfinished unborn sketches of those that should have existed didn't respond.

After all they were just echos of what could be, not even got a chance to be born like Ink had.

It hurt.

The loneliness hurt.

Ink never did good alone, he should have taken Errors suggestion.

Yet... he only could hurt because he had a soul.

He summoned it before him.

Yet... he couldn't destroy it.

Error would be so sad if one of his few precious friends destroyed themselves.

So he sealed it away, planning to unseal it when Error came back.

By the time Error arrived Ink had forgotten and wondered off.

Error would not meet Ink again for a very long time.

Bindings shattered.

Ink skid to a stop panting.

Gasping and feeling pain, everything,,, felt too much.

"Oh.. my... stars," he breathed out.

"You made me wait a very long time Inky," Error said.

"Sorry Ruru, I couldn't remember..." he said sitting down on the ground.

Error walked over and sat down next to him.

Ink reached out and kissed him,

"This time, I won't stay somewhere stupid... lets start over," Ink replied.

"You owe me a date," Error said, Ink smiled.

"I own you a lot of dates," he smiled.

From here the future would change.

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