Lunar_Dreamcatcher: Fates Illusion

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Request by   Lunar_Dreamcatcher Ink and Error used to be the old Life and Death before Fate interfered. So what would happen if the Star Sanses and the Bad Guys group found Ink and Error practicing their old powers? Bonus: Error used to be life and Ink used to be death. And yes this is inspired by my 'Always Us' book, but a different route that could of happened.

Once upon a time, there was two gods,

They worked in harmony.

Life was ushering in new beginnings, and ending them when there time came ad passing them to Death for there final journey.

Both were satisfied with there jobs.

They looked in delight on all that existed, then... it ended.

Fate struck them down.

Tired of all the happy endings.

Where was something new.

She ripped the gods apart and rewrote them, make them... more fun.

Reset the Multiverse.

And let the once Life and Death out.

They remembered what they truly should be, and there new roles hurt...

But Fate continued on.

Forcing them in there new roles.

They could only fake at being who Fate wanted, knowing that even fate could not keep it this way forever.

For Even with the multiverse reset...

They still read as the true life and Death.


"Its annoying," Ink said.

"I know it is..." Error said, his voice glitchless as he wasn't on duty.

"I have a soul, but people see me as souless and i have to use the paints to keep my magic stable. Worse they make my emotions go crazy, but everyone thinks I get emotions from them," Ink growled.

"At least Fate allows you to defend yourself in battles," Error said grumpily.

They were both sitting under a nice tree, Error looked up and the tree grew larger and leafier to give more shade.

"I fear Fates getting bored again," Ink sighed poking a flower, it rotted to nothing in seconds.

"I miss our original Fate, I hope the other deities discover another Fate took over soon," Error said idly regrowing the flower.

"If this Fate was going to do this... couldn't she at least sealed off our real powers. Now we have to go out of the way to use them, so our true magic doesn't overwhealm us," Ink cried.

"Wait! What the Stars!" a voice yelled.

Blinking the two supposed enemies turned and stared, standing there was both the bad sanses and star sanses.

"Screw it, I'm out," Error, the true Life of the multiverse said and fled.

"Oh wow, look at the time!" Ink said brightly, and the True Death vanished into paint.

Reaper who was there, made a noise akin to a dying animal.

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