Chaosdancer12: Jamming the Program Part 2

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Requested by  ChaosDancer12 My request, Fire, is that you're allowed to pick one of the requests that you have written, and you can give it a second part.

Darn it Chaos.. to many choices!

Growing up... was interesting.

Error or rather Paperjam aka PJ, didn't remember growing up in his last life.

He would admit he enjoyed being a kid, you could get away with so much crap as a kid.

Ink still thought he was a devil, which made things amusing.

The local Error was... at least trying, once he stopped having freak outs about the situation.

Oh.. and stopped trying to kill him.

After that there relationship improved, and he sometimes spent time with the glitchy being whose magic helped create him.

Dream had taken over raising him, along with a tiny palette Roller who thought he was an awesome big brother. Palette was his half brother, as Ink was a shared parent.

The once Error actually liked this version of Dream, a Dream who was not as rigid as the one he'd known in his last life. There stepfather did his best to keep Ink on the straight and narrow, which definitely helped with the balance.

Didn't stop him from playing pranks on Ink.

Blue... who had become that awesome adoptive Uncle, liked him plot a lot of pranks.

This place, was so much happier then his last life.

People and monsters existed that didn't in his last, like Reaper was married to a monster named Geno and had children. Geno hadn't existed in his life as error, and he rather liked the other monster.

He'd more often then he'd admit, babysat there kid Goth.

He was a teenager now, and PJ was glad more then anything that he'd finished the moody stage of being a teenager. At the moment he was sitting on a roof, watching the playing forms of Goth and Palette.

The two children were rather special, and he could still read enough of the codes to see they were meant for each other.

Happiness he finally had, and he would fight anyone that tried to destroy this life.

Sure he missed those he left behind, but in the end he knew if he'd stayed as Error everything would have just become worse.

Now... if they could just stop Fresh from flirting with him.

Oh.. and stop the freaking blushing.

Why were they blushing?

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