MoonAndStarsAlign: Families stay together

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The entire Momma CQ family plus Ink somehow gets thrown into the fgod multiverse and Error has to look after them until they get home

Warning, I barely know anything of the Momma CQ verse.

There was a mini Error there.

A mini him.

There was only suppose to be one Error per multiverse, other then lesser copies.

There was also a mini Ink.

And why were they calling a human mom?

There multiverse was probably weird.

Especially since Geno and Fresh was there, Fresh there wasn't a parasite.

If mini Geno was here Reaper must never find out, or he'd probably freak out or become depressed again.

Probably both.

After all Error was Geno.

Stupid Fate kidnapping him from his happy ending.

He couldn't even tell anyone once he regained his memories.

"Mom, look a big me! Will I be that big and cool looking when I get older?" mini Error asked.

"Hopefully less scarred," CQ said looking very worried, after all they'd just ended in another multiverse.

How hard could it be, to look after three kids, there friend and the mom could it be?

Wow... no that was a stupid thing to think.


"IIINNNNK!" Error screamed.

Ink cackled and ran away clutching the mini Ink in his arms.

"I can't wait to show Dream!" Ink cheered happily.

This was the fifth time.

CQ drank her tea ignoring the chaos, Little Ink did enjoy the kidnapping events.

Mini Fresh held up a sign with a 5 on it.

Local Fresh voted a 4.

Geno rolled his eyes and continued to play checkers with mini Error, he was doing medically so much better due to treatments from Sci.

They all ignored Reaper sobbing in the corner.

Error mentally begged Sci to build the portal back faster,

Just the Usual Sunday.

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