Tychii_: Level

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Request by  Tychii_ Ink used to be the Destroyer AND Creator. He used to keep the balance all by himself (since there HAD to be creation and destruction, stopping both/either isnt an option as that would upset the balance) HOWEVER, due to his SOULlessness, it wasnt a good idea for him to be the destroyer aswell since gaining LV as a SOULless being is VERY bad. At some point Ink met Dream, and he stopped Destroying. Dream knows he used to be the Destroyer (unlike NM who DOESNT know) bc Ink was the one that Destroyed Dreamtale when the AU started dying. Sometimes his LV acts up tho, so he isolates himself during that time while Dreams gets all dominant (which is the only thing that really helps). SO, during a battle with Nightmare's Gang (aided by Error) his LV acts up (his LV is higher than even Error's who is thought to have the most LV in the Multiverse) and Dream becomes all dominant and everyone i confused, and shocked, bc Dream is dom??? Blue doesnt know the reasons only that Drink is a thing. I don't think this is about mental illness? If you still think that tho, you can change anything you see fit to except that Drink has sailed without any dark sans knowing it, Ink using to be the destroyer (and occasionally still sercretly -from the dark sanses- destroying some that error cant but needed to) and dream knowing and still loving him (ink loves him back! his instincs tell him that dream is alpha and mate so he acts accordingly always, tho more obviously when his LV acts up) (LV acting up is listening a little bit more to instincs -not animalistic- and wanting to kill/destroy more)

Your evil by the way Tychii_

White boned hands dug at a white skull, clawing and scratching.

It wasn't stopping.

Why wasn't it stopping.

Marrow began to drip.

Make it stop



"Hey hey, stop that!" a voice cried, Ink ignored it as he tried to make the pain stop.

Hands grabbed his wrists, pulling them away from his damaged skull.

"I said Stop it, now," The voice said very firmly.

Ever changing eyes looked up to meet gold.

Destiny changed.


Error was the Destroyer.

Not by choice.

If he could choose he'd be anything but the destroyer, but it was this or allowing the multiverse to collapse. He was ever nagged by the voices of the anti-void, and he wondered sometimes if it was due to the voices the last destroyer got burned out.

Yes other destroyer, the original.

The voices had mentioned it once, but quickly demanded it.

Error wondered if Ink remembered the last one, it was unlikely as being soulless made it harder for him to retain memories. He would pity the other if he didn't hate the other for over creating, well not Hate.. just dislike. For he knew had to create, neither Ink or himself would admit to the week stuck in a small AU unable to destroy or create.

He still had Nightmares, and no Nightmare.. he didn't mean you.

Stay out of his head darn it!

He still didn't know why Nightmare wanted him in this battle against the Star sans, probably another idea to fling mud into his twins eyes.

"Mud Error?" Killer cackled.

Whoops he said that out loud, Nightmare gave him the disappointing dad look.

Suddenly Ink dropped broomie, Error froze...

The artist never dropped the item.

"Not now!" Dream said, leaving his own battle and heading to Ink.

"Make it stop, make it stop!" Ink cried.

"Ink!" Dream yelled.

Ink screamed and flung his left arm out, without paint or broomie.

A Forest exploded.

What... the.. Funk

And had to quickly dodge the creator who had gone insane.

Then Dream was there, grabbing Ink and dragged his face down.

To Kiss him?

Nightmare tripped on nothing at that point.

"Oh!" Ink said blinking as the kiss again.

"Your not allowed to do that," Dream ordered.

"Sorry, its been awhile since I went level mad," Ink said embarrassed.

Level Madness + Ink = Does not Compute

Error felt a crash coming.

"Don't worry Ink, you'll make up for it to me," Dream said smirking.

Error was thinking fast and ripped open the codes, not caring that others saw him do it.

"..." he said, his right eye twitching.

"I'm just so glad I'm not the Destroyer anymore, Level gaining and being soulless don't mix well," Ink said softly.

"I'm out," Error said stomping away, as certain things came out.

He was not fighting Ink when he was on the edge of going level mad again, his level was sad next to Inks levels.

Why had he never checked Ink by the codes before?

Also.. for how long had Ink and Dream been dating?


Blue nodded and smiled as Dream twisted Ink around his finger, they were such a cute couple.

And it looked like the Dark sans had no clue.

Blue giggled as they slowly slipped away, not wanting to face the suddenly apparent relationship with the Dominate Dream.

He then skipped off to show Geno his latest Drink Pictures.

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