launchsteinward: SCREAM!

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REquest by  launchsteinward Ink does all the stuff he does in underverse because hes stressed that the 'creators' will loose interest in the UT fandom- effectively killing it. As he doesn't want to be forgotten he does alot of bad things and everyone hates him. But what happens when Dream sees Ink breaking down after hearing the creators overwhelming (because theres so many of them) voices

He'd seen it before.

The Creators forgetting.

It was a horrible thing to see.

He might be soulless, but he wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Not even Error.

And no.. that wasn't being sarcastic.

Stupid voices.

Creators were voices of whimsy, changing there minds so easily and wondering off.

It was worse then being half finished.

It was a relief when Error destroyed the forgotten, as they were.. broken.

So he did what he could do to make the creator/voices not loose interest.

No matter how much a Monster among Monsters it made him.

To keep his multiverse alive, he'd cross all lines.

Yet... It might have given them a bit too much attention.

Too many voices demanding to be heard, never stopping...

Never stopping...

"Please stop!" he cried.

OH OH! I WANT THIS BUILT! A voice cried.

No.. mine! I want a mergirl Fellsans!

"Stop Stop STOOOOP!" he screamed.

"Ink! Ink! Talk to me," a voice begged.

Dream... Dream was there.

The voices continued to scream.

"I'm sorry..." Ink whispered, tears slipping down his face.

And left.

The voice guided his steps, in his everlasting hell.

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