TerminusVerso: Follow me

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Requested by TerminusVerso May I request some Destructivedeath?

After eons of heartbreak, it was almost like a slap to the face when he fell in love again.

It wasn't expected.

He had never expected it after Geno vanished, too soul sore too look towards another.

It was just little glimpses at first.

An Au here, an AU there.

A sound.

A movement they made.

Reaper didn't care that there voice glitched or the static that followed them, or the dust and marrow they had left behind them.

He didn't even know there name...

There shadow covered the multiverse.

Others fears the other even more then they feared Death, which was a first.

That made him even more curious.

He might of..

No he had to admit, he tried to stalk the destroyer.

It didn't end well, for himself that is.

Stars darn it, he didn't even get close.

Apparently Nightmare and his group did not like him following behind Error, some on.. the gy didn't even notice he was so oblivious.

Also very bad eye sight at that,

Even if they couldn't touch him without dying, they still showed they could bounce him about like a ping pong ball.


He was going to have to fix his wings, so many feathers out of alignment.

With a sigh, Reaper slumped down on a rocky area by the edges of Outertale. He admitted he was frustrated, he really really had no idea why the Destroyer caught his attention so much.

A clicking sound caught his attention.

Curious he got up and started walking towards it, he leaned around a rocky outcropping and his eye lights widened.

Sitting there knitting was Error himself.

Reaper pulled back and fixed himself a bit, no need ot make a bad first meeting. Nodding to himself once satisfied he walked around the rocky outcropping, to find the place empty.

"Shoot," he said disgruntled.

He wouldn't give up, after all.

No one escaped Death.

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