RoseyRebel: Blue Blue

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Request by   RoseyRebel May you please do one where Blue is secretly bipolar and his struggles and triumphs with trying to hide it? And maybe only Error knows about Blue being bipolar? Maybe someone else finds out too... Please credit me for the idea, if that's okay.

Sorry its so short, I'm not good at this type of Request, so the illness won't have the best portrayed.

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. This is just one of its versions.


His breath came hot and uneven, his body felt as if a million ants crawled over him.

He hated this.



His fingers dug at his skull, he needed the pain pain.

"Stop it... please, I can't stand anything anymore," Blue cried.

Suddenly strong hands grabbed his own, pulling them away from his skull before he could hurt himself.

"Breath Blue, relax," a familiar voice said, Blue sniffled and shivered and blinked in surprise when a large jacket was pulled over his shivering form.

"Why... is everything so hard Error. Why do i have to keep smiling," Blue whispered.

"Because you want to be happy, fight to be happy," Error replied.

"I just want it to stop, my emotions running away without my say so," Blue whispered "No one but you seemed to notice."

"Maybe... you'll tell them one day," Error replied.

"Maybe..." Blue said, and found himself falling asleep against his friend, Error turned and glared.

Stretch hid himself behind a tree, shocked at what he had seen.

How had he been so blind that Blue was ill.

He was a failure of a brother.

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