nebbiaofthedark: All for one

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Request by  nebbiaofthedark An fgod error story where fate takes the other half of cross's and x!chara's soul to make error. Time passes, cross joins nightmare's gang. In a fight with the star san's cross dies. His soul fuses with errors. (P.S. chara soul become whole too.) Their memory's mingle into one and they have the ability to switch forms.

An extended version of this request can be found in there 'Plot Bunnys' chappy 'error is Cross' I borrowed a few more ideas from there but the rest is my adds to the request.

Fate was in a bit of a pickle.

Time was unwinding and the multiverse breaking because Ink had created too much.

Really.. she loved her kid, but he was a nimrod.

She had told him, begged him and even yelled at him about the balance.

But.. he no longer heard her.

So convinced he was the highest power.

And now it was ending.

Everything falling into her void.

Even her only child.

Then she spotted the remnants of a certain Au, long gone but she spotted something hidden it its broken coding. Curious she grabbed whatever it was, and stared.

Partial souls, a monster and a human...


She recognized as the other halves of Cross and X soul.

A gem of an idea grew.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to use you to create something new.. to keep a balance," Fate said, and got to work at the same time as reversing time to just the right point.

An Error was Born.


Error didn't know how to take Cross when he met, the other was very childish.

Also a strange deja vu.

There was a lot of amusement also, when no one realized he could see and hear X... as the once Chara made hilarious remarks.

Yet... that's strange prickling deja vu was always there.

Other then stealing Cross's chocolate, he usually avoided the other.


Cross was a happy being, he'd had a lot of losses but he continued on.

Well.. other then a brief insanity of stealing from other AU's to rebuild his own.

The others were weird, but his friends.

He stil wasn't sure on Error, as the other always seemed to be busy.

He hadn't thought he'd fall in love.

Not with Nightmare.

Nightmare the King of Nightmares.

They's married.

X stayed asleep, not wanting to be involved on what they did on there wedding night.

This morning though, he\d had a welcome surprise.

A newborn monster soul was forming in his won fragile soul, he wondered how Nightmare would take parenthood.

He never got to ask

A confrontation happened.

Just a random meeting turned battle between the star sans and nightmares group.

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