TerminusVerso: Silence

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Requested by  TerminusVerso If it's not too much trouble, I would love to see a story about Homicide (the character in "Collection of Oddities," not the act of murder). Bonus points if Blue, at some point, says, "I once murdered a man with his own taco."

Thank you  TerminusVerso for letting me play in your universe

Homi could not be found anywhere.

Not his save screen.

Not with Geno.

And not with Reaper.

And his brother hadn't seen him either.

None of this as good, Homi on his own was never good.

After had gotten use to the other over the years, the ever bleeding other had calmed down a lot over the years.

People still fled when he said the word Mine though, but that was Homi though.

"Homi!" he called.

There was no answer.

Only Silence.

Error... or rather Homicide did not know how long it had been since he'd been here last, an unforgiving void with stars shining above.

Outertale was beautiful.

Here he could be alone with his thoughts, and the ever depression moment of reason that he was Homicide for good.

He sat at the edge of the void, sipping hot chocolate, with a container with more and an extra cup in case he lost this one.

A sound caught his attention, turning his head a bit from where he sat he blinked.

"Homi! After is going crazy looking for you," Blue said looking relieved, which was strange as Homicide had more often then once hurt him.

"..." Homicide murmured under his breath.

"I haven't been here for awhile," Blue admitted, a sad look on his face.

"Its quiet," Homi admitted.

"A friend once took me here, at least I thought him as a friend. He went missing one day, he loved this place," Blue said looking at the ever present stars of Outertale.

"Well, was quiet," Homi sighed.

"Yeah, I can do that. Error said I chatted a mile a minute when I got going," Blue said with a wry grin.

"Error?" Homi questioned, he rarely heard anyone mention his past self anymore.

"You never got a chance to meet him, he was violent.. gosh he was. But... I never held all the murder or destruction against him, he was the Destroyer. It was what he was, and one day I hoped we could be besties," Blue sighed.

"You didn't hate him for killing people?" Homi asked in disbelief.

This was not going as he expected, he'd... always thought Blue might have been one of the reasons he lost his past as Error.

"I once murdered a man with his own taco." Blue said.

Homicide stared.

Some things should be dead, and sometimes... you have to take care of it yourself," Blue said his face hard.

"Hot Chocolate?" Homi asked, a strange feeling in his soul.

"Sure," Blue said grinning.

Two beings watched the stars in silence.

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