Yuuko_Akira: If it was a GameVerse...

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Request by  Yuuko_Akira Nightmare is a Bone-dryad and error is a arachne, they are best friends and their favorite hobby is scare adventurer beginners to death. final monsters are not supposed to be in the level 1 area

It was boring being a boss.

Specially when one was the final world/raid bosses.

The adventurers has yet to even get through the first chamber of his pad, and its been years.

He was so bored, he was the arachne withe the best drops ever.

Error had taken a lot of hobbies up to keep busy, his.. err.. boss room was rather furnished now.

"We have a crop of newbie Adventurers," Nightmare smirks, the Bone-dryad was the other final boss no one could get too.

"Aww.. at that cute fluffy stage where they wet there pants," Error mused.

"Think we can get in and out before the God-devs notice?"Nightmare said, Error gave a wicked grin.

Nightmare returned it.


It was chaotic...

It was destructive..

"WHYYYYYYY!" an adventurer cried a wet spot on there pants.

This was the level one newb field.

Monsters should have no access here.

The two over leveled boss monsters smirked and left, there job done.


Cross stared at the bosses back in awe, he wanted to be that strong.

Actually, he wanted the Bone-dryad to be his boss.

He skipped off to get stronger, ignoring the other adventurers still panicked forms.

A few others followed him.

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