MistraltheSkelegirl: My Shadow Child

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requested by  MistraltheSkelegirl a young, pre-Hogwarts, Obscurial Harry Potter gets found and adopted by either Dream or Nightmare, and the one who adopts him keeps it quiet from their brother until little Harry uses his power as an Obscurial to protect his adopted father.

Nightmare hadn't meant to adopt the human child.

Or rather a sometimes human child.

Could he make people think he kidnapped him from a messed up AU.

Probably not from the way the kid smiled.

He had no clue what caused the kid to have such strange powers at first, then he'd come across the information in the rather corrupted 'magical' side of the AU.


Such a weird fake like name for a transformation of despair.

Large green eyes looked up at him.

Cross grinned.

"How does Wraith sound as a name?" Nightmare asked, the child known as boy or Harry smiled..


It was strange.

They hadn't been dong anything bad.

Just relaxing on a beach.

Nightmare was relaxing under a beach umbrella, little Wraith napping beside him hidden due to his tiny size.

That's when the Star Nimrods showed up, accusing them of attacking the AU.

Nightmare of course, gave them are you idiots look.

Dream and Ink of course took the look as a challenge and attacked, Blue facepalmed gave them an apologetic look and joined the fray.

Then Ink had the idea to throw Paint everywhere, hitting Nightmare painfully.

At this point Wraith woke.

He took in the battle, and the fact that strangers were attacking those he loved.

Then some paint hit him.







Darkness and shadows seemed to attack them, there was no defence and its magic buuurned.

Nightmare knew he had to stop this, before Ink decided Wraith was a threat... or really see Dream dead.

"Wraith Stop, its okay!" Nightmare shouted.

The living smoke, darkness and shadows paused.

Then converged onto one spot, and a small human child formed.

"Papa, I was so scared..." Wraith cried.

Dream dropped his bow in shock.

"Papa...." he said "WAIT! I have a nephew!"

"Um... this is a battle right?" Ink asked.

"See you all later guys!" Blue said, pulling Ink into a portal.

Dream sped over to meet his adoptive nephew.

In the near future Dream and Night found a way to turn Wraith into a skeleton monster and Nightmares child in truth, neither would admit how.

And well Hogwarts, that was another story.

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