GamerUTX: Song

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Request by   GamerUTX Error is a vocaloid. His real name is Hatsune Erro (idek) and he is from a whole other multiverse, Fate ofc took him for destroyer. Cliche forced god ending where he gets attacked blah blah blah, almost dies. BUT HE DOESNT. He just sits there crying until ANOTHER vocaloid goes through a portal who is his friend, Kagamine Night (alternate nightmare, a kagamine twin). People get confused blue thought he knew everything but no he didnt. Nightmare wonders why alternate him is so fricken good at singing. errors vocaloid item an umbrella

He was the destroyer.

The end of all ends.

The one that beat up the Reaper with an umbrella.

No one got the umbrella.

Reaper still broke out in a sweat when he saw umbrellas.

Where did Error get what seemed an indestructible umbrella anyway?

Blue would sooner or later find out!

Error was his friend after all.


Error was tired.

Tired and lonely.

How long had it been since Fate stole him?

Stole him from his multiverse to this one, where he saw broken copies of those he loved.

This placed made see him more damaged then he was.

His voice wasn't even as glitched as people thought.

He hated it here.

He hadn't sang a single word since he came here.

And for a being that was meant to since, that was horrible.

His hand tightened around his umbrella as he dodged attacks from the huge amount of Sans with Ink the idiot.


What if he just gave up?

He'd never have freedom, there was no going home.

Never sing his joy again.

So he gave up.

Let the attacks just hit and batter his body, and just sat there.

He could see Blue starting to panic, knew his friend realized what was going on.

'It will be over soon, Fate cannot force me onwards if they break me to much' he thought sadly tears slipping down his face, which were not very noticeable as they going down his marking.

Then the dark sans joined the battle, but he didn't care.

They should leave, before they got hurt in his assisted suicide.

"Don't you freaking dare Hatsune Erro!" a voice shouted, Error gulped and the battleground went silent.

Then someone else was on the battleground, They looked like Nightnare without the corruption and was wearing a white shirt, a purple choker, purple pants and white sneakers. He was missing the diadem though,

Dream made a startled squacking sound at the double of his twin.

"Hatsune Erro?" Blue said bewildered, how did he now know that name... he knew everything with his forth wall breakage.

Well, other then the umbrella.

"Kagamine-kun," Error said in shock.

"Oi, I told you to call me Night," The Nightmare look alike said, Erro blushed.

"Sorry," Erro said.

"Your coming home, I didn't search through multiple multiverses to just leave you here," Night said, it was then noticed that his shirt had a hood with an octopus plushy in it.

"Hey! Your butting into a battle here pal," Fell snarled, Night looked at them like he was an idiot.

Night blasted them with singing, they stood there and clapped along and cheered.

"Wait..." Ink said twenty minutes later.

"......." was the mass response after the short concert.

Error and Night were gone.

'Why was my alternate so good at singing?' Nightmare wondered.


"You ready?" Night asked and smiled.

Erro smiled.

"Yeah... lets go home, its time for this Vocaloid to sing again," Error said.

Together, the two stepped forward to a happier future.

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