Lucero1142 In there Shoes... or slipper

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Requested by  Lucero1142 a person from are world ends up in undertale , you know the whole isekai / transported/ reborn/reincarnated/etc, . they end up some how with the power of the gamer, or if you want to add your own powers instead.

Sorry for the long wait Luce, I might have gotten sidetracked by the fanfics you suggested and then other stories of that genre.

You wake up

Which shouldn't have happened, dead was dead after all.

Truck-kun shall not be missed.

They hadn't even been near cars, ever see a drunk driver decide they really want to drive through a mall and try to use the escalators. Well they did, then two seconds later the truck flipped over right on top of them.

They'd not even have a chance to flee.

You Have slept in a bed, your Hp Is Full

What the heck, why was there a voice other then there thoughts in there head.

"SANS! Its time to get up Lazybones!" a voice cried.

Eyes slammed open.

"Oh Gosh no!" you cried looking up.

Floating above your head was the Name: Comic Sans Wing Dings

"Isekai isn't suppose to be real!" You cried, of course you blamed the truck.

After all in isekai its always the trucks fault.


"Good as always Bro!" Sans said cheerfully, our isekai's being was doing there best to get use to this.

As far as he was aware once taken to another world, there was no reverse situation... unless it was a summoned hero story.

Thank goodness it wasn't an Otohime game.

They'd hated those games.

"Why thank you Sans. I'm so glad your being less lazy!" Papayrus said happily.

You have gained 50 plus Reputation with Papayrus

Sans forced himself not to react, after all he was getting use to his.. new life.

He was pretty sure the power of the Gamer was not suppose to be in Undertale, but he wasn't protesting the many many perks.

Skills were awesome, the grinding not so cool.

But the fact he could grind up HP was awesome, no loosing hope for this neo-skeleton.

He was pretty sure this was an alternate timeline, wait... did Error exist here?

And was this a copy-verse of an Original.


Oh Thank you game breaking Gamer Calming ability, that's a nice panic attack dodged.

Quest: Get to work on time
Reward: Get Paid Bonus Reputation ?
Fail: Garnished Paycheck Minus Reputation with Papyrus

Sans sighed and accepted, the things he did to keep sane.

"See you at Break Papyrus," Sans said.

"Don't asleep!" Papyrus called, Sans laughed and heading to work.

Two days later the resets started.


The little Brat just killed Papyrus.

Go Genocide will you Frisk, or was sit Chara... at this point it didn't matter to the Gamer and Judge of Undertale.

Quest: Make the kids Understand Consequences
Reward: A new Title
Fail: A not so nice Title

Bonus: ?

"Sometimes I wonder if that things is screwing with me," Sans muttered hitting accept.

"..." the little Genocider said and tried to kill him, Sans caught the brat with blue magic.

"Someone need a timeout," Sans said, and began spanking the brat like the brat they were.


"Well.. that happened," Sans grumbled.

Quest Complete:
Reward Title: The Punnisher

Sans glared at the pop up.

Bonus Reward: 100 Plus Reputation with Chara

Sans gave the screen the finger.


Three Timelines/Resets later, the genocides ended. The final fallen child finally got the idea that Genocide equalled spankings.

And thus the Resets ended.

What typed of warped Undertale AU was this?

Then Ink appeared with Dream to welcome him to the greater multiverse.

Sans shut the door in there faces and went to bed, he could deal with this in the morning.

Quest ALERT!

Sans tapped the window closed.

In the morning Stars darn it.

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