DarkMidnightDragon: All in Between

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REquest: Dream and Nightmare get stuck in one body?

Nightmare threw up, tainted magic pooling in the grass.

He was not feeling good.

It was as if he'd in a blender.

"Brother," Dream said.

"Not now Dream..." Nightmare said trying to get his thoughts in order.

"Sorry.." the other responded.

He was going to kill Sci!

"Brother please," Dream said at the spike of negativity.

Nightmare pulled back the emotions the best he could, and dizzily goy up using hsi goop.

Golden Goop.

"...." Dream said.

"Dream... tell me your just out of sight," Nightmare said feeling cold.

"Ah... no..." Dream said, and Nightmare suddenly realized that Dream was speaking out of his mouth.

Swearing heavily he quickly located a reflective surface, while it was a slightly scummy pond it would do.

It was his own uncorrupted face looking back, just as young as it had been before he at the apples. His left eyelight was his original purple, but the right was a familiar gold. His bones were black semi goop covered neck down, but the clothing were a mix of Dreams and hi won.

Summoning his usual four extra appendages, the highest two were still black but the lower two were gold.

Dream made a dying sound.

"Please tell me this wasn't a plan to save me..." Nightmare snarled.

"No! There was a virus causing issues. The device was suppose to entrap it..not this," Dream begged horrified.

"Well... Sci already left, probably thought we went to battle as usual," Nightmare grumbled, no longer feeling anyone else in the AU.

"We're going to need help," Dream sighed.

"Its too dangerous to go get Sci, were going to have to go to the other scientist." Nightmare said, knowing people would attack them if they tried to ask Sci for help. The goop even changed, was a bit too well known.

"Other Scientist, a Sci copy?" Dream said confused.

That poor innocent bean.



Dream was rather silent, as the Error checked them over of all things.\

"The idiot reversed several code, confine to combine. Yours and Dreams codes are at the source the same, so it partially combined you," Error said, somehow pulling up a screen filled with code.

"Can.. you fix this?" Dream finally asked.

"Pfff... Sci is a hack, this barely rates a second glance," Error said, and spritzed water on them.

"Ack," Dream said face planinting on the anti-voids.... ground?

"Warn a monster!" Nightmare snarled.. from behind him.

"Thanks the stars," Dream said in relief.

"Stay away from each other for three months once out the anti-void, your codes will stabilize by then," Error said putting away his glasses. "Now get out.

The twins wisely fled the irate monster.

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