Chapter 129- small changes, big impact

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(Y/N) POV:

It's as if the world had spun on its axis completely, changing everything I once knew to be true and unveiled itself to reveal itself in its entire splendid glory. And yet it stayed the same for the others. It was as if my entire life I'd been seeing the world through a standard lens and now suddenly everything was technicolour and in high definition- each colour even more vivid and bright, every sense heightened further and everything was simply just...more.

And somewhere in the coven scent there was the slight hint of something sweet and soft- something that the others proudly identified as my scent merging with theirs, that would permanently intertwine with theirs once I too gave my mates their mating marks.

And the thought of going through the same exertion, the same burning consuming need that had taken over me, had descended heavily for the three days of being mated had my legs flaring with a throbbing ache, had my already sore body protesting at the thought that it was too soon. Too much, too intense and I didn't know if I'd survive another experience like that.

To which the others had only bright proud smiles and satisfaction seeping through the bond. But it didn't require the four walls of the nesting room. Didn't require for the same passionate, rigorous acts of debauched pleasure. It only required the intimacy of trust, of being shared and connected within that moment.

It ends up being Kookie first, when we'd towelled ourselves off after our bath, Kookie's arms bands of support as he held my wobbly frame to him, cradled it close and asked if I needed anything, if I was in any discomfort.

And when he'd lifted me up to place me on the counter, worried at the lack of strength I'd had to hold myself up, I'd been at eye level to him, to the burning soft orbs that flickered with love and tenderness and worry. And as his hands gentle and careful had towelled my hair dry, carding through each strand with his fingers I'd leaned forward to brush a kiss to his throat, a kiss that had trailed to the side of his shoulder and I'd held him close as my fangs sunk into the strong broad line of his right shoulder, his hands cradling my head close and his body shuddering under my touch, sighing with relief and contentment as I'd fed, urging me to take more, to stay intimately connected as I'd marked him as mine. The mate who'd always understood me, who'd been so understanding, there for me when I'd been so lost, there every time I stumbled as a newly turned vampire. Kookie was the one who made the transition the easiest because he reminded me I was normal for faltering, for being uncertain. And when I'd been in darkness, unable to see, he'd reached out to take my hand- to brave the darkness with me.

And yet in all our grand finesse to escape we hadn't considered taking clothes with us, so the two of us emerged clad in towels with me hidden behind his broad frame, fingers pressing into the warmth of his back as I hid from their yells and indignant expressions but unable to muffle my giggles at poor Kookie who got the brunt of the stares.

And yet I'd danced out of Tae's reach when he and Hobi oppa reached out for me, shaking my head at him as I'd allowed Hobi oppa to hold me, folding me into his arms.

"Why not jagi? What's Hobi hyung got that I don't? I give lovely massages too!" He exclaimed huffing and looking put-out.

But he'd been a major contributor to the reason my thighs throbbed and trembled, why I felt an ache between my legs and why I leaned into the others for physical support to stand up. Why I'd been overwhelmed and drowned in the endless sea of pleasure- overstimulated to a point where it felt every nerve cell pooled with a fire that spread like an

"Sorry Tae baby but you're exiled. I'm not letting you near me." I say happily from my refuge in another mate's arms, struggling not to melt at the sheer sadness he exudes in a look alone until Yoongi oppa nudges him with an elbow.

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