Chapter 84- a part of me you don't see

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There's a shifted dynamic in the Bangtan coven- it's apparent to see with the way all of them have become protective of their youngest vampire nestling; it's endearing to see because (Y/N) deserves to be pampered and coddled and spoiled. And I can see it in the hyungs' eyes when they turn red with pride and satisfaction that their nestling is being taken care of and properly.

And it's an entirely new experience when  (Y/N) comes to me and tells me she's had her first feed, talking about it as she proffers her wrist to me, stroking my hair as I suckle at the inner skin. And that begins to explain the healthy glow and flush around her, the soft rosy cheeks and how painstakingly similar she looks to her old self, as if bit by bit she's returning to the person she'd been before the incident. It still comes as a surprise when her eyes flash red when she's experiencing heavy emotions or the fact that now she can give me a run for my money quite literally with her heightened senses.

And it's no little amount of satisfaction that I see her sitting down for our weekly nest dinners and eating food that has blood-infusions or ones that are rich in iron; Jinyoung hyung physically preens with pride as he watches her eat, albeit there's still this hesitant air around her but she's trying, and seeing the way her eyes burn red when she's happy or when she's curled up between us- instincts satiated by being home.

It makes JB hyung look proud when he wraps his little chick in his arms and sees the red sparks of sleepiness come in; know that with her returning to her old self has had everyone's instincts purring with content, that the youngest nestling of the Im coven is happier these days.

And there's the old sense of camaraderie and trust when she calls me to tell me that Ryan hyung has taken the paintings and that they'll be displayed as an exhibition soon.

In fact, JB hyung is so proud that he and Mark hyung whisk her away after her History class, calling empty apologies to Jimin hyung who looks both surprised and affronted, at the theft of his mate in broad daylight from his arms, as they lead her away to treat her to lunch, all of us sitting in Stigma and toasting to her happiness. That with this exhibition she is able to heal a bit.

Because that's what each exhibit has stood for, her pouring out her emotions and memories and experiences onto canvases so that they let her heal- so that they don't stay bottled up inside her.

And yet I wonder whether she's told her mates that she's Amparo, whether she's confessed about her hidden identity.

But as I head off with her to meet Ryan hyung and Deok-mi noona, I bring it up in the car, turning the radio off.

"Does the Bangtan coven know you're Amparo?" I ask, treading lightly.

She turns to face me; I can see her eyes turn a dark red- restless and uncomfortable.

"No." she answers shortly for how long the silence had drawn out afterwards.

"Why not? They're your mates" I ask.

"I don't think I'm ready to reveal that part of me. The most broken and ugly piece of me." she mumbles, fiddling with the belt.

The car comes to a stop at a traffic light and I turn to face her.

"It's not the ugliest part of's the strongest part of you. And the most beautiful. I love that part of you the most- because it's brought you to this point." I say, trying to tell her just how much I treasure her, how much that part of her means to me, to her, to everyone who knows her as Amparo.

"And besides, you've unknowingly been wooing your mates with your art this entire time. Who would've thought that a once vampire exclusive coven was head over heels in admiration and awe for a human artist, their mate?" I say, voice filled with amusement and wonder- it really had been some unique sort of twist of fate. Some sort of unknown force pushing them together this entire time.

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