Chapter 45- a new beginning

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(Y/N) POV:

Needless to say going back to the apartment is bittersweet; one part of me had been exulting with the thought and prospect of being reunited with Gyeomie and yet another part of me was crestfallen about leaving my mates behind. They had been unwilling to let me go too but we weren't at that stage where their nest had become mine- we were still navigating the early stages of our bond, still learning more about each other day by day.

And yet I was surprised when all seven of them offered to drop me home- and even when I'd dropped the news on them that not all of them needed to protect me, one of them would suffice- to say that it had been a bombshell was a bit of an understatement. It turned out that not all of them knew the ins and outs of the vision but that hadn't stopped the chaos that had erupted.

"You knew?!" Jin oppa demanded, voice slightly high- eyes wide with being caught out, a deer in the headlights.

I giggled at the expressions the others sported- the sound somehow easing the startled looks, unfroze the statues.

And they had been quick to apologise- for keeping me in the dark but I'd waved off their apologies and as we'd left I hadn't missed the sheer relief on several faces.

But despite the unwillingness to part, they make sure to make the journey back home full of chatter and promises to meet up- going so far to plan the next day despite having lessons and it being less than 24 hours that we'll have to be apart- I can't deny that their eagerness makes my heart flutter though.

And when they walk me up I don't even get the chance to slide my key into the lock because the door is being flung wide open, the resounding crash it makes against the wall a distant sound because Gyeomie is standing there. Gyeomie with his adorably tall frame and sweet smile. Gyeomie with his twinkling eyes and long arms that wrap me into a perfect embrace. And it's Gyeomie who wrestles himself out of JB oppa's grip behind him and flings himself at me- scooping me up and swaying as he holds me, neck deeply nestled against the crook of my neck- breathing deeply and sighing with relief; as if these past few days he had been a tightly coiled spring and now all that pent-up force has been released.

I feel slightly guilty for not having thought of him as much as I'd thought, for being so immersed and occupied by my mates' presence but there's nothing but relief and joy as he sets me down and runs a carefully scrutinising eye over me. And then his eyes comically widen as he takes in the fact that all seven of them are standing behind me.

He takes a deep breath in, as if filling his lungs in with sufficient air so he can explode and I'm right.

"You bonded with all seven?!" he screeches, eyes flashing red with his surprise and the bewilderment in his voice bursts the silence that follows because the incredulity in his tone makes me throw my head back and laugh.

This is home.

And Gyeomie is slightly stiff and held-back in front of the others but his protective nature shines through despite it all and whilst JB oppa is the calming force to Gyeomie's fiery protectiveness- he is more than content to sit back and enjoy, leaning languidly against the wall.

"Well we should be going, but take care, have a good night sleep little one." Jin oppa steps forward first, hands coming to cup my cheeks, smiling down at me with soft eyes even as I flush under the intensity of his stare. His hands are slightly cool but still manage to make my cheeks warm and heat up under them and when he removes them, I feel their absence for a moment before he leans forward to press kisses to my cheeks, smiling when they curve up at the sweetness of his gesture.

And then Joon steps up, dimples poking out as he leans forward to press a kiss to my cheek- eyes twinkling and hand gentle yet firm when he gives me a squeeze. Hoseokie is next and his kisses are like butterflies- fluttery, light, and airy, lips brushing lightly against the tip of my nose, feathery as they skim over my cheeks. They're both ticklish and sweet and when they rouse a smile- fond and giddy, he shoots me a beaming smile- face alight.

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