Chapter 153- almost there

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I smile when (Y/N) sighs, head pressing forward into the kiss, lips soft and warm against mine. Smile when her hands snake around my neck to keep me close when my lips drift away from hers, marking a trail down to the curve of her jaw, her neck, to the dip of her throat and the curve of her shoulder.

"Just a few more days petal. A few more days and our baby will be here." I murmur, hands carefully brushing over her skin, smiling when she sinks more into the bed of flowers, cushioning her, surrounding her, her hair splayed out and staring at me with deep red eyes, fluttering as my lips continue to trail over her, rubbing circles over her sleeves, over the jumper and blanket Jin hyung had insisted she wear before heading to the roof.

The same jumper that she pouted and wriggled in because there wasn't a need for it. Not with how the dome around us kept us warm, an extension of the natural warmth that was in me, cocooning us, keeping us away from the winter air, from the snowflakes that were beginning to fall lightly.

"I know. I can't wait." She murmurs, hands curving around her stomach, eyes bright with joy and excitement as she holds my gaze, smiling when I carefully tug the blanket away to press kisses to the fully grown bump. 

I was excited. Thrilled. We all were. And whilst this pregnancy had been hard and trying, had been draining to witness seeing our baby mate suffer and endure. There had also been this magic to it, this beautiful glow that hadn't left her, this radiance of shining with pregnancy, of a soon to be mother.

And even now as she lay onto the flowers that cushioned her, now relaxed in comparison to her hesitance to ruin the flowers, moulded to her she looked devastatingly beautiful. Ethereal as she met my eyes and followed me when my head lowered to press kisses across her stomach, fingers carefully kneading at her legs, easing out the stiffness in them. Content to have her lie there, eyes following each movement, soul soaring with elation when she relaxes more and more, the flowers curving around her, cushioning her more.

Intact, perfectly formed flowers, uncrushed as they form a bed for her, so for all that she relaxes into them more the last thing I expect is for her to reach out to suddenly tug me down, body jerking forward at the sudden force, hands sinking into flowers to keep myself propped above her and staring with surprise.

"Flower what?" I breathe, lips curving wide when she shoots me a soft longing look. Hands moving to tug at my jumper instead, drawing me closer.

"You're too far. Just lie with me Joonie." (Y/N) softly asks.

I smile at her, twisting to fall beside her, drawing her hand up to hold with mine as we lie there side by side.

Content to breathe in the scent of the floral sweetness, heads curved and bent towards each other. Content to drink in the sight of each other, my eyes drifting over her sparkling red eyes, the rosiness to her cheeks that I could never quite capture in the flowers I grew, could never get that exact hue of warmth right. Taking in the way her lips rosy and full part in a small exhale, her other hand moving to trace me.

Drifting down the slope of my nose, over my cheeks, tracing my jaw and trailing ever so slowly over my lips before suddenly poking.

"I hope our baby has your dimples." She murmurs, smiling when I try to nip her finger, try to chase the trail her fingers teasingly make over me.

"I hope our baby has your sparkle. Your light."  I murmur back.

She stills in her exploratory, unhurried trace.

"What do you mean?" voice soft and gentle.

"Your eyes. They've always sparkled. Always burned with a passion for life. Whether that was when you were human or when you're a vampire." I say, twisting so I can face her properly, propped up on my shoulder as I peer down at her, press a kiss to both of her eyes. Watch as they flutter shut and the way her lips curve when I press mine to her eyelids, ghosting along them.

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