Chapter 151- a dizzying turn of events

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My hands dart out to steady (Y/N), crying out when her body swayed, feet unsteady as her hand slipped off the banister, stumbling forward the last few steps. But I'd rushed forward, already moving at the pinched, disoriented look on her face as she'd been making her way down the stairs. 

The house seems to shudder, pictures trembling. The stairs sink down, going lower and closer to the floor, decreasing the height she'd stumble off of.

Hands holding her steady as she tilted into me, breath a relieved exhale when her hands came to settle on my shoulders, head pressing against my collar.

"Sweetheart you..." I say, tongue feeling oddly twisted, unable to verbalise the sheer terror that had coursed through my body at the sight of her body tilting forward, of her eyes flashing red with urgency even as they'd fluttered.

It had been centuries since my heart had beaten, had been centuries since I remembered what it had felt like to have air rushing out of lungs, shuddering and shaken. But right now I felt air escape my mouth in a shudder, right now I felt my blood pulse and course quickly, thought that the thrum of panic making my body all jittery was as close as I'd get to feeling that nervous rush of my heart pushing against my chest. 

My hands curve around her, resting at the base of her back as I hold her close, allow her to rest against me, feeling the sporadic clenching and unclenching of her fingers at the shoulders of my shirt, her breath muffled against and head tucked close.

"I just...just got a bit dizzy." She mumbles, not moving away from where her body curved towards mine, the growing curve of the bump brushing against my stomach, stopping me from tugging her closer.

Alarm spikes at her words.

Dizzy spells weren't good during pregnancies. They were something to keep an eye out for.

And it seemed as if this pregnancy was bringing bad symptom after symptom to her body.

A trying first trimester where her morning sickness had made her physically ill and drained, had left her nauseous and unable to stomach foods as easily.

And now her second trimester brought about dizzy spells.

It wasn't the first one either.

The last one had been a week or so back, the lack of them had made hope blossom through the bond that this too was a hitch in the road that we'd moved past but clearly not.

My hand rubs up and down the curve of her spine, knuckles grazing across fabric.

"Let's get you sitting down then yeah?" I ask softly.

She mumbles an assent but it's a few long minutes before she raises her head, red flickering in her eyes and gaze unfocused, as if she was having trouble focusing on me, on pushing away the dizziness.

I didn't want to pick her up and risk making her dizzier so slowly I drew her down one step and the other, hands supporting her body, hers still resting on my shoulders as she followed my lead.

Took slow easy steps from the stairs and into the living room, a slow shuffle as she put one foot before the other, carefully moving with me towards the nearest sofa.

And when the back of my legs hit the sofa, I sink down carefully drawing her close and gathering her into my arms when she straddles me, head tucking back once more, arms winding around my neck.

"Won't you feel better lying down?" I ask.

"Probably. But this is nice. Can we stay like this for a while?" she asks.

Bound by BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon