Chapter 107- the world turns upside down

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I feel bile rise in my throat at the agonising scream that tears through the alley, that shatters the early afternoon sky and is so full of pain, of grief, of every lament and untold story of suffering. Of every tremble in the breath, of every unleashed torrent of feelings in the sound.

It grates on my ears. It threatens to make them bleed

I never want to hear such a sound again.

And after today I never intend to. Not for an eternity.

(Y/N) POV:

The scream is raw agonising and full of each and every lament and unexpressed moment of suffering, its never-ending and excruciating and makes me shudder.

I look at Chul who's face is distorted with the pain, who's eyes have turned into a bright vermillion and he shrieks, mouth open wide and fingers involuntarily tightening on my throat as a way of trying to keeping himself stable, fingers trembling and spasming randomly from their vice around my neck and slowly the pain gets too much and his fingers slip free of my throat.

He falls to the ground, body falling in on himself and I watch with a feeling of emptiness, with a feeling of detachment almost as I watch him clutch at his hair, tugging viciously and continuing to scream, the sound becoming hoarse and torn and raw.

Behind him stand Yoongi oppa, Jinnie oppa and Minnie. All of them looking down with hardened expressions at the man on the ground, the thing. At the writhing figure of him, tears rolling down his cheeks, eyes unseeing and blank- consumed with the feeling.

I know exactly what he's feeling. Know that what he's feeling is only the agony Yoongi oppa experienced all that time with him and he and Minnie are compelling him to feel it, that Minnie's flinty eyes are boring into him and making that stream of emotions wound around his heart and squeeze. Relentless and vicious.

If the pain is that extreme and this is only Yoongi oppa's pain, I wonder how he'll feel when he experiences every shred of pain inflicted back at him, pain he made others endure, pain I had to endure.

I have no shred of humane empathy for Chul. He ceased being a person in my eyes when he decided to tear my parents open, when he drank a doctor dry because I wasn't given to him, when he ruined my life all those years ago and when I learnt that he'd ruined Yoongi oppa's too.

I meet Jinnie oppa's eyes- hardened chips of red ice that thaw and morph into brown as he looks at me.

"Are you okay?" he asks, already hurrying around Chul's curved figure to get to me, tugging me into his arms.

"Yeah..." I say and then wince at the hoarseness of my voice, at how much it pained me to say that one word, throat flaring in pain.

He frowns, eyes darkening as they drop to the state of my throat, at the state Chul's made it into.

He turns and bends to face Chul's kneeling figure.

"Stop." He says, one word full of authority and command and disgust.

Minnie and Yoongi oppa pause though not without expressions of disgust and hate directed towards Chul.

And what I didn't expect is for my sweet, caring tender eldest mate to fist the collar of Chul's top and stand up with one fluid movement , slamming him into the bricks behind with enough force that a loud sickening crack echoes through the alleyway, his figure slumping and a groan slipping past- hoarse and gruff, a crack spreading out across the bricks.

And there's none of that gentle compassionate mate as his eyes bleed venom, glaring at Chul, body pinned into the wall.

"You dared once with Yoongi, you dared twice with (Y/N)...just how much patience and endurance did you think I had before I came for your sorry self?" he sneers, voice low and threatening and bristling with rage, barely held back anger.

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