Chapter 76- Home is in you

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The moment she leans forward to seal our lips together, I feel this rush of elation, a sense of wholeness and completion from where her soft plush lips lean against my own, moulding hers to mine as she initiates the kiss. The touch of her lips are warm and the moment they touch mine, I can't hold back the sound of relief that escapes me, a deep sigh of fulfilment and contentment and I slowly begin moving my lips against hers, gently cup her jaw as I trace the shape of her lips, commit the curve and dip of them to memory, to imprint the shape of them against my own as I kiss her slowly, taking all the time to burn the memory to mind as I dart my tongue out to trace the outline of her lips, to run it across the soft plushness and to slide it down to the seam of where her lips meet. She relaxes into the touch as her hand slides to cup the back of my neck, to draw me further into her and then she leans back, the moment cut off too soon as she looks at me with eyes that burn a soft red- beautiful.

"I won't shatter in your arms Kookie." She whispers, yet her voice is firm and soft- eyes meeting mine unhesitant and urging. Coaxing me to take more, to ask for more, so she can tell me that I can have it, have her.

A groan slips past my lips, the self-control wavering as she shatters every idea of holding her delicately, reverently.

"Home. Let's go home first." I murmur.

This time there's no time to spare, only a hurried need and urgency to take her home and kiss her deeply and fiercely. I envision my bedroom in my mind, will the small thread of hyung's power that's in me to take us there and hold her tight as the scene around us fades and we appear in a familiar comforting room. 

(Y/N) gasps, turning to take in the room and looks at me with an expression of marvel and awe.

"Kookie wo—" she begins but already I've pulled her close, lips hungrily seeking hers out and cutting off her words as our lips meet in a fiery entangled embrace, mine slide over hers deeply, tongue darting out to tease her as I slowly run it over the curve of her lips, the dip of her cupid's bow and down to the seam again, running it back and forth slowly as I pull her closer, arms sliding around her to tug her further into me, feeling far too much distance between us as I angle her jaw, tilting it back so I can deepen the kiss and feeling delicious tingles spark and fan out from where our lips meet, from where her hands are sliding into the strands of my hair and gently tugging, pulling me down, urging me closer. She gasps when I nip her lip, fangs scraping against the plush warmth and after briefly soothing the sting over with a small lick, I slide my tongue into the hot warm cavern of her mouth. I explore the sweetness of her mouth, run my tongue slowly and deeply in long strokes as I learn each nook and cranny until I slide my tongue against hers and coax it into a slow entangled embrace. She lets out tiny mewls and whimpers, swallowed eagerly by my mouth, wanting to elicit more as I lean further into her, feel her slightly stagger and then the two of us shift.

Even as I feel her body fall backwards, my arms tighten to protect and cushion her fall as she hits the edge of the bed and falls back, hair fanning out onto the sheets and black jacket drowning her frame. Her lips are plump, kiss-swollen and glistening, chest heaving with the habitual rise and fall of her breathing and she tightens her hold around my neck and draws me down onto her. My arms go to steady my hands on either side of her face as I lean in to kiss her slowly, small butterfly kisses pressed again and again to those lips, addicted to the feel and taste of them, lured by the sight of the rosy lips that lure me down again and again. I shift so my body doesn't press hers tightly into the mattress, shift so my legs are on either side of her hips as I cage her in, looking down and feeling a thrum of pleasure of seeing my baby mate under me, to see the sight of her caged in- and eagerly my mind whispers 'caught her' triumphantly, as if this is what I've been rewarded with at the end of a long and hard and trying chase.

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