Chapter 149- heart to heart, mate to mate

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It's a cycle. Painful and tormenting to see      (Y/N) wake up day after day with morning sickness, the usually silent, light treads of her feet turned rushed and hasty, urgent as she hurried out of bed, moved to get to the closest bathroom.

Sometimes it's one of us that she's curled up with in bed the night before, sometimes it's between two. And sometimes it's from the nesting room that she tears out, scrabbling frantically to untangle herself from sheets and intertwined legs, the house moving to help by harshly yanking off sheets, unforgiving and uncaring of how cold it suddenly made us, door flying open to help ease the way for her.

And this time it had been tucked close and in my arms that (Y/N) pulled away this morning, eyes flashing red with warning and alarm, hand clamping over her mouth as she twists away from me, scrabbling to get out of bed, sheets moving away and door being flung open as the house moves to help her.

It's barely an instant after she's moving that I'm already hurrying behind her, rushing to her and managing to hold her just as her head bends over the sink, a small sound of distress right before she's sick.

And like always it wrenches at my heart to simply be there to hold her as she's sick, stomach emptying itself out from the night before, her body curling in as she trembles, my hand rubbing up and down her back, murmuring to her and brushing her hair away from her face.

"I'm sorry little one. Sorry you're hurting." I mumble, pressing kisses to the back of her head, feeling her hand go to clutch at me, moving from the sink to press at my arm on her waist, silently squeezing and seeking comfort.

And though her morning sickness has become frequent enough to be habit, this time it seems to be worse, her breath shuddery and weak and back bowed forward, curling over the sink. There's distress that seeps through the mating bond, heavy and hurting, distress and a bit of fear. Fear from her as she's sick, fear because this time her sickness seems to have worsened and her body trembles, weak and exhausted.

This time, there's something that's changed because her sickness lasts for longer and when her head rises, there's tears trickling down her cheeks, lined with redness from fatigue and worry but also crimson flickering in and out of her eyes as she meets my gaze in the mirror.

"Jinnie..." a soft fearing mumble of my name.

I feel my own concern spike at the uncertainty in her voice, at the way she peers down at her stomach and her hand, shaky and trembly, goes to cup her stomach over her nightgown.

"Something feels off sweetheart. I'll feel better if we get you checked up." I say softly, watching as she nods, eyes not drifting away from where she's looking down.

And her own nervousness shows through with the way she easily and very quickly agrees. With the way her hand tightens around my arm, clutching me closer and not willing to move away.

"We'll get Hobi to check and then we'll visit your doctor too." I say. Hand moving from her back to cup her stomach, rubbing circles directly onto her skin as hers falls away, as she reaches for the tap and begins to clean out her mouth.

My fingers stretch out, feeling as if that warmth of her body, light and gentle and feel as if I'm not only touching her, holding her but that this way I'm feeling close to our baby, gently cradling them close too.

It's something that never fails to amaze me. Never fails to make me stop, to stare at the unmarked, unchanged skin of her body and yet everything's changed. Everything inside is shifting and altering to make space for our baby that grows day by day, bit by bit.

"Jinnie oppa...they're okay aren't they? Our baby?" she asks, voice soft and tentative, uncertain too. Hand setting down the towel.

Everything is uncertain with this pregnancy, everything is new and foreign and frightening for her but also for all of us. We didn't know how much her pregnancy would differ from a human pregnancy, didn't know what it meant for a turned vampire to be pregnant. Didn't know whether it would be easier or harder on her body.

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