Chapter 30- unanswered questions

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(Y/N) POV:

I freeze when my eyes catch onto his vibrant red ones, something has his vampire instincts on high alert, and I know all it'll take is a wrong move and a lack of control on his behalf for everything to go wrong very, very quickly.

I step away from the photograph, maintain that distance so he doesn't perceive me as a threat; even if that thought would never even begin to cross my mind, to hurt them in any way.

His eyes scrutinise me sharply, and I know that every movement is being painstakingly noted, sharply watched- his red irises seeming like penetrating lasers which scour away the barriers I've got up, leaving me feeling awfully raw and exposed- as if his red eyes bore their way to the depths of my soul and see everything.

"Yoongi I was just waiting for Namjoon." I explain but he doesn't respond or show any sign that indicate he's heard me or he's listening.

His head cocks to one side and his eyes gleam, his wide powerful stance, the ease and familiarity as he stands in the hallway- everything indicating that he's confident and assertive on his territory; I'm the one who's wandered into it.

"You actually came?" he finally says, voice slightly raspy, cutting through the silence. His question is filled with a mix of confusion and bewilderment- as if he can't figure out why I would be here.

"Seokjin invited me to meet the coven and show me the nest." I hedge carefully, unaware as to whether or not he knows and not wanting to accidentally trigger an argument amongst themselves.

His eyes flash brighter, the corner of his lip quirking up as if he's amused.

"I know." He says simply.

But the way he continues to examine, eyes never wavering is beginning to become disconcerting, the intensity of it making my skin prickle.

"Umm...maybe I should head back down." I say, clear that this conversation isn't going anywhere and I haven't been able to get a solid read of whether or not Yoongi wants me here, there's nothing he's emotion; face unsettlingly blank and void of expression, a face carved out of marble; impassive, smooth, and hard.

"Maybe you should. Or you could stand there. Neither particularly makes me feel anything." He adds, and there it is. Those words that hurt. Openly confessing and admitting that my presence or lack thereof doesn't affect him. But I don't see why it should. He's always been open about his disdain for me.

But that doesn't mean that urge to question his unwarranted behaviour doesn't well up and burst out.

"You know Yoongi, did you ever wonder that you should've gotten the full story before you confronted me?" I ask gently.

His lips twist into a grimace.

As if the question has either irked him or pained him. Given how he's always behaved, I reckon it's the former and not the latter.

"Is there something about me that bothers you, that makes you repulsed?" I ask, wanting to get a definitive answer.

His eyebrows rise slightly.

I push on.

"Am I considered unworthy and unwanted just because I'm human? Is that the flaw that'll define me as an incompatible mate?" I ask.

"Humans have always brought me and my mates pain. Do you really think it'll be easy to accept you?" he retorts, and his words are laced with pain. There's hurt that glimmers in his eyes. As well as the genuine nature of the question- he really does want an answer. He's not just voicing his thoughts.

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