Chapter 105- worlds fall apart

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(Y/N) POV:

"Jagi stay still. Stop wriggling so much, it makes it harder for me to hug you." Tae murmurs, wounding his arms tighter around me and trying to still me from fidgeting.

Whilst none of them had spoken after my whispered confession, they all had moved closer, all of us trying to share the same space, feel each other through small touches, silent physical reassurances that I wasn't alone, and Tae hadn't said anything as he'd pulled me onto his lap at breakfast, eyes a dull red and smile small as he held me, breathed me in and tried to get me to eat- which seemed to be a struggle given how much difficulty he was having in doing it himself..

"But Kookie..." I start, falling silent when he lets out a deep sigh.

"He's only gone to get you two art supplies; look you can see him reaching the checkout too." Tae points out, gesturing with a hand at the sight of Kookie through the shop's display window, arms full of supplies as he moves forward to the cashier.

I sigh, relaxing.

"I know just a bit uneasy." I say, trying not to remain fidgety in his arms and he presses a small kiss to my cheek, knowing that it had been my restlessness since I'd awoken that had caused him and Kookie to suggest an outing in the first place.

I remain in his arms but it seems like the queue seems to be dragging on forever, that though Kookie had reached the till, the cashier was taking their good time in scanning and bagging each item with slow deliberate care. It made me fidget and just as I was about to pull myself free from Tae's arms to storm in and get him myself, he tightened his arms.

"I'll get him sweetheart, here sit down." He says, gently twisting me to nudge me down onto the bench a metre out from the side of the shop.

He taps my nose lightly, pressing his lips to my hairline before grinning, stepping away to enter the shop, posture bright and amused as he heads in.

I smile when I see him enter with a final wave and blown kiss to me, grinning to let me know that he'll get Kookie out.

The weather is pleasant too, a nice mixture of a refreshing breeze and a bit of sun- perfect Tae and Minnie had remarked to go without a coat as they helped me choose an outfit. But I had a strong inkling of doubt that was said so they could choose a top that showcased my collarbone and neck, now freshly decorated with seven bright vivid marks against my skin.

Because after breakfast before we set off, all of my mates had taken their slow sweet time to mark me up, hands gently cradling my jaw and throat and lips a mixture of fiery need and softness as they kissed, nibbled and sucked their way to decorating my skin, eyes burning red with pride and slight possessiveness when they took them in, fingers rubbing over them and gently pressing down; fascinated and delighted to hear the soft gasps and whimpers they'd been coaxing out turn by turn.

And the others all carried marks too, unable to deny each other the pleasure and contentedness of leaving their claim behind.

That too had added to the restlessness that began to build, made me want to remain on their laps had it not been for the fidget as I moved.

And now sitting at the bench, all I could feel was the tug to them to get closer, so I stand up from the bench, deciding to head in too to join them in the wait for the shopping to be done, wind drifting sweetly as it brushes through my hair and across my face- nature's tender greeting caress.

And as I get up, moving forward to reach the edge of the shop, feet light and easy I find myself suddenly yanked back, the force and suddenness of it making my feet unsteadily backpedal, hand a metal clamp around my wrist- bruising and unwelcomed.

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