Chapter 83- mates mean we're there for each other

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I feel my blood begin to simmer and boil as my eyes land on the student who's just spoken- at the crude filthy accusation he's just thrown towards me, regarding my mate. I feel it in the bond where her feelings become soured with negativity and sorrow, feel the aching weight on the bond we share and feel it physically when she shrinks back, body curling into mine, trying to make herself seem smaller- less of a physical target for him to stare at with disgust. And yet there's also no mistaking the slightly lusty look in his eyes- the slightly red sheen that comes with lust and want for her. For my mate.

My arms wound around her protectively, glaring at the boy in front of me.

Bambam and another student approach the two of us, gently tugging (Y/N) away from the tense exchange of looks, eyes burning red with the need to protect her.

"I don't know who you are, what your name is and frankly I don't care. But you have no right to make comments towards a person, no damn right to make comments and insinuate what's happened. The next time you open your mouth and spout shit for my baby mate, I'll rip your tongue out myself." I snarl, feeling my eyes burn red with seething anger, narrow onto his face, and retain it to memory- for the person who thought what he did was fine.

I feel hurt and angry on her behalf, on my behalf too and even for those who come across such people in their life. But right now I can feel the distress rolling off her even if she continues to stand silently in front of me, her hand reaches back to grasp mine and squeeze it; soothing those frazzled nerves and haywire instincts.

My words have brought mutterings and intense stares but right now none of that matters, not when I have someone infinitely more important in my arms, far more precious to look after and give my undivided attention to.

"Joonie oppa leave it." She whispers, turning to face me- trying to brave even as I see the hurt lining her features.

I twist her away from the sight of the student, repulsed by his very presence, hand rising to gently rub at her neck, thumb brushing against a mark- the effect is instantaneous, she melts and sags slightly, tension bleeding out; instincts settling at the touch on a claiming mark.

"This isn't the end of this matter. You better believe I'll be coming for your sorry self." I hiss over her head to the student, who is showing only bare traces of fear, none of regret or guilt or apology. And this time I follow her to sit where she usually does, Bambam and the second student fussing over her. The second student who introduces himself as Jaehyun offers me his seat, clearly noting the way my instincts are still buzzing and I keep shooting her glances to assure myself she's fine.

I slide into it gratefully, murmuring my thanks as I reach over to rest my hand on her knee, needing to feel her safe and well- the physical touch reassuring and comforting.

"It's fine Joonie oppa." She murmurs.

"It's not fine (Y/N), in no way is it fine to make comments on someone, not fine to make nasty assumptions." Bambam speaks up, voice heated, eyes red as he looks her with a sweet, protective gaze.

She ducks her head, and I see when he softens straight away.

"I'm not angry at you chickie, angry for you." he murmurs, dropping a kiss to the side of her head.

And yet when the teacher enters, sensing immediately the thick tensed atmosphere they decide not to push on the already fragile state and today the discussion in the classroom is less animated because the silent stares and words speak for themselves.

And when it ends (Y/N) is quick to get up, posture stiff as she leaves without a glance back, I hurry to keep pace with her, upset that because of some students she's finding it difficult to be her usual self, that she's not comfortable.

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