Chapter 62- mornings with mates

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When Hobi hyung wakes me up, it's with a familiar gleam; excited and one of a fellow conspirator. He wriggles slightly from my hold, edging closer and closer.

"Wanna wake the others up?" he asks, whispering even though there's no-one present to overhear. For a few moments, my face scrunches up because why would I want to stop cuddling to go wake the others up, why not cuddle until they come to wake us up?

"We can go to Yoongi hyung's room." He adds and then it all clicks, making it's way through the hazy fog of sleep.

I nod, extracting my arms from around him before sliding out of bed, the two of us tiptoeing hand in hand out of hyung's room to set off down the hallway. But it's dismay that causes me to let out that huff because crowded around the outside of hyung's shut door are the others- all in various states of disarray but eyes gleaming with the same excitement and eagerness that we had snuck out with.

"Why are you standing outside?" I ask, looking confused because if it had been me I wouldn't have loitered in the hallway, no I'd have snuck in and gotten some extra cuddles- from two sleepy mates.

Jiminie looks indignant when he turns to face me, exasperation clear.

"We wanted to go in but the door just won't open." He hisses, eyes darting to glare at the walls of the house as if it'll be able to feel them. But just then Kookie lets out a quiet triumphant yell, door finally opening and the look of understanding that dawns on their faces make it clear that it seemed like the house was waiting for all of us to turn up.

Kookie leads the silent troupe of mates in, the hyungs and Jiminie all slipping in silently after him and I rush in excited only to meet a solid wall of bodies, nearly going crashing into them.

"Why've you stopped?" I ask, edging my way around to see what it is that has stopped them. And promptly melt.

(Y/N) is curled up close to Yoongi hyung, the blankets failing to hide the very apparent way their legs are entangled as they sleep, bodies curved towards each other- seeking out their mate unconsciously. Her head is under hyung's- ducked down under as if seeking comfort silently and hyung's arms are wrapped around her in a loose embrace, resting on her waist as the two continue to sleep on. It's such a heart-warming sight that I'm not surprised to see the hyungs silently gushing, Jiminie shaking Kookie and whispering how cute the sigh is, barely repressed squeals and cooing filtering through the once silent air. Hobi hyung is practically vibrating with joy, looking on so happily- audible squeals escaping heart shaped lips and Jin hyung is no better, cooing at them from a small distance. But as the sound in the room slightly raises we watch as (Y/N) begins to shift, slightly stirring, a slight furrow between her brows- either unconsciously being alerted of her mates being near or being awoken by the sound, maybe a mixture of both. And the squeals cut off mid-sound, everyone holding their breath, not wanting to wake her when something else happens. Almost as if he's sensed her slight discomfort, hyung's arms tighten around her, drawing her slightly closer as they sleep, head lowering slightly and (Y/N)'s sweater paw hands rise in sleep to rest against his chest; the two of them having shifted into a closer embrace.

And for some reason that does it.

I can't hold back from awwing over the sight and the moment the sound tumbles past my lips, it seems to have a domino effect.

The two of them stir, Yoongi hyung's head rising- eyes open in small slits as dark irises stare at us intensely, the sleep quickly clearing from his eyes when he notes all of us standing there before his head lowers to take in the sight of (Y/N) nestled closely in his arms; a sleepy smile tugging at his lips. And then (Y/N)'s head moves, shifting and slowly her eyes blink open, sleepy doe-eyes that peer up at us, smiling droopily as she takes note of all of us crowded around the bed.

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