Chapter 86- exhibitions and emotions

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I go barrelling out of my room that's filled with my art equipment, gaming equipment and discarded sports gear- rushing down to the hallway where all the bedrooms are and hollering for all of them as I continue to fly down the next set of stairs- hearing the beginnings of the others being drawn out by my yells.

Just as I'm jumping the last five steps, because running is such a waste of time, I find myself propelled in the air for a second and then caught in a pair of strong arms, arms that heft my thighs around their waist as they hold me.

"Hobi hyung!" I chirp noting who's caught me.

And he's looking at me with both fondness and amused exasperation.

"No jumping off stairs Kookie! I can't forget the last time you and Tae did that and ended up with bandaged heads!" he shakes his head at me.

Even though the excessive bandaging had been him going into over worrying mode for the small cut we'd gotten.

"And what's gotten you in such a tizz?" he asks, walking with me still safely wrapped around him to the living room, not setting me down but rather falling back into the couch with me still wrapped around him.

The others move into the room with looks of confusion, some amused and some fond.

"Kookie what's got you yelling around the house?" Jin hyung asks, perching on the arm of the opposite couch, Joon hyung leaning into him readily- Jin hyung's hand carding through his hair.

I wiggle excitedly on Hobi hyung's lap, only then realising I'm straddling him and unable to see the others. I shift, turning around even as Hobi hyung lets out a muffled protest of complaint.

"Did you guys not see the news?" I ask, looking incredulously at Yoongi hyung and Joon hyung especially.

Everyone shakes their heads.

Tae laments aloud.

"Kook-ah hurry up...I was going to have a bath with Jiminie!" he pouts, shifting closer to Jiminie hyung, the way he plasters himself across him is familiar and habitual.

I grin.

"Amparo's having another exhibition! It's coming up really week actually." I say waving my phone around where the article is still open.

There's a period of silence until Hobi hyung plucks the phone from my lap, peering at it before letting out an excited squeal- the sound rousing eagerness and fitful anticipation from everyone else. All in their unique ways celebrating the news and wondering what we'll get to see this time.

The news make the room well up with bright energy, everyone shifting happily.

But my eyes habitually scan for (Y/N), my baby mate who isn't here. Who's still out somewhere, doing something. And my eyes dart to the clock on the wall, hear the steady constant ticking and note that each tick only serves to remind that she's not here.

I shift uneasily.

I want her to be here.

I want to tell her the news first.

And yet miraculously, I hear the sound of the door shifting open- this innate sense of feeling complete and know she's stepped through just now. And bolt off hyung's lap, barely feeling the way his arms tighten in alarm before loosening.

And appear in the hallway to see her straightening up, shoe rack sliding back now that she's standing up again.

"(Y/N)!" I chirp before rushing towards her, seeing her eyes flare red for an instant and yet she seems unprepared for when I reach her, scooping her up close and twirling her around- breathing in the scent of her and feeling myself be calmed knowing she's back home.

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