Chapter 65- nothing will ever be the same

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I can feel a thick sludge of ice travel slowly through my veins, icy and numbing as I crawl towards her. It feels like my mind is mush because I can't process anything further than the look of blood that continues to seep out of (Y/N), soaking the ground, soaking hyung. Her eyes aren't seeing...why aren't they seeing anything? Why can't she see that I'm hovering over her? Why isn't she responding to hyung's cries of her name?

My hands reach out nervously, hovering over her face before settling against her cheeks- soul lurching with the leap that comes with feeling her warmth under my touch. And it comes plummeting down when there's only a coolness, an icy edge that burns my skin. I flinch, torn between pressing my hands further to feel her warmth, warmth that's missing or to snatch my hands back and pretend I didn't feel anything.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) look at me." I beg, looking down at her wide eyes, waiting for her to smile at me, look at me softly.

She's not listening. Why isn't she listening?

"Hyung...hyung she's not responding to me. Why isn't she?" I ask, voice turning hysterical, eyes blindly searching for Namjoon hyung, our ever-solid pillar of support.

That same pillar who's sunk to his knees, looking as if that pillar has just shattered.

As if the world has been torn apart and there's nothing except destruction.

He stares blindly at her, eyes red and wide.

Why don't his eyes reassure me?


Every part of me, every limb, muscle, and nerve that feels life, that helps grow and coax life to flourish shrink and cower away from the very apparent sight of life draining away, streaming steadily onto the concrete in a constant gush of crimson.

I can't feel her presence anymore. Can't feel the link between us. The one that's always been blooming and growing, fluttering with warmth and so real, so alive, so human.

I lean forward, barely feeling the wetness that soaks into my legs, seeps into each fibre of the cloth and saturates it.

My hands flutter but don't dare land. 

Because I'm scared.

I'm a coward. Because I don't want to touch her and feel the essence of her slipping away.

" her. something. ANYTHING." I beg, turning to frantically clutch at Hobi...Hobi who's always been our sunshine, my sunshine, her sunshine and is now ashen and grey- leeched of it.

He pushes wandering hands aside, hands stiff and robotic.

"Move. Move. I need to see. Need to check." He insists, voice grating and hoarse as if he's been screaming. Maybe he has.

But why can't I remember hearing it? Why can't I see or sense anything but her gaping hole in my soul?

Why does it feel like the very vibrant, beautiful essence that's her is slowly dripping onto the concrete.


Why's everyone acting as if she's gone? As if her not responding means she's left us? Why isn't anyone moving? Why's everyone stiff?

I push aside desperate hands, hear the pained whimpers and broken sounds of being pushed away from our mate.

But that's not what matters we need to act.

I move Jin hyung's hand, stiffen at the thick wetness that makes it slick and dark.

Push it aside to press my hand against her neck, ears straining to pick up a heartbeat.

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