Chapter 24- we meet again

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(Y/N) POV:

The rest of the holidays pass in a sort of blur, and moments when I'm alone with my thoughts- the hurtful words Jimin had said come slithering back into my mind and ensnare me into a spiral where nothing makes sense, where everything keep overlapping and entangling into a jumbled mess.

Gyeomie had taken one look at me and just held me that day when I'd come back- no questions asked just the comfort of his touch and presence, pushing away the hurt and flooding me with the soft soothing aura he emitted through our bond.

But oddly enough it didn't placate me as much as it usually could, the reminder of our bond bringing to mind the thought of my soulmates, whoever they may be and a different type of bond I had wanted but now was left at a standstill. Most part of me wanted to meet the male again, to have the possibility of us restarting afresh- wiping the slate clean but a small part of me was still hurt by the words. And that part was urging me to hold back from reaching out and trying to find them, to try and talk to them.

I knew all I had to do was ask any one of the Ims and they'd tell me- no questions asked, no voices urging me to reconsider, to talk me out of it. They had always respected my decision and I knew they'd support me whatever I decided to do.

The last few of the holidays have been dedicated to Gyeomie's mating ceremony and it's on the last Friday of the holidays that I find myself dressing up for the ceremony held for other vampires to attend to, a public declaration that Yugyeomie is a taken vampire. A public show of possessiveness and claiming him as part of their coven- it screamed out to them that Yugyeomie was now a bondmate, a nestmate and that they'd do anything and everything for him. it was a tradition that I had only heard of, read about- it was going to be my first time witnessing it and it sent a thrill through me, an eagerness to see and experience it for myself.


Yugyeomie was a mess today

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Yugyeomie was a mess today. He'd spent the better half of breakfast staring at his food but unable to swallow it down, a nervous jitteriness to his knees- legs shaking erratically as he sat and colliding with the table several times. He'd paced around so much I had worried if he was going to wear out the carpet.

And when he'd fed off me today- it had been a different sort of feeling flooding the bond. He clutched my wrist between his hands desperately, almost frantically- as it was the only thing keeping him afloat, his mouth had latched on immediately, fangs piercing the puncture marks with ease but he'd sucked in a way that was both gentle and afraid- I could feel the waves of worry rolling off him. He feeds almost as if it's his first time- a hesitance and wariness, but this time it stems from his tension regarding the mating ceremony.

I rub the tension out of his shoulders, murmuring comforting words to him- it'll be fine, I know it so deeply that every inch of me radiates with that belief. Yugyeomie has found his true loves, the ones whose blood sings for each other, whose souls thrum just by being near each other. He's going to get his happily ever after and I can't wait for it.

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