Chapter 17- the night seems long

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When we get out of the car, Jin hyung goes storming off, house rattling with an echo of his anger as he goes upstairs- the door slamming shut- sound loud enough to make the rest of us wince.

"What happened?" Yoongi hyung asks, voice low and slightly gruff, no doubt already have felt hyung's emotions the clearest, not only the bond but his own ability giving him perhaps a clearer insight than even I currently had of the situation.

I close my eyes, dragging a hand over them, trying to stabilise myself from the bombshell hyung had dropped onto me. Things weren't adding up and I didn't want to give them false hope if it did turn out that the girl wasn't our final mate- and the chances of that being the case looked incredibly high.

"I—I don't know exactly." I confess, and it's the truth. I simply don't know enough about the situation to give the others any potential news.

And I also know that if she is our final mate...the news may not go down well. Completely.

And I hurry off after hyung though I don't miss the contemplative expression on Hobi's face as I leave. I file it away for later- to make a point to ask what it is that he's thinking.

When I tentatively poke my head through the gap in the door, I see the vulnerable curve of hyung's hunched up figure, sitting on the floor looking at the wall.

I plop down next to him, drawing my arms around his waist and he sinks into my hold, curling his body into my frame.

He sighs, a deep and sorrowful sound.

"Joonie I really do think that she is the one." he murmurs and my heart aches for the hurt that'll be inevitable if she isn't.

"Hyung...I just don't want you to get your hopes raised up and then for your heart to be broken." I say softly into his bent head.

"Did I tell you that the same pull, the same urge guiding me in my dreams, happened today too? That it's the same feeling?" he confides into my chest.

But the confession brings a jolt of realisation in me.

The knowledge that it was his dreams that had led him to her, makes me uncertain and even more confused. Hyung's dreams are never misleading, they always give him clues, some sort of guidance.

And know I find myself even more out of my depth. Even more bewildered.

"Hyung, I'll look into it. Let me confirm before we take any steps." I ask softly, and he grumbles out a yes, even though I know it pains him to do so, that his soul is shredding itself apart from the feeling that he walked away from her.

And that night hyung doesn't let go. Remains curled in my arms as we both try to sleep, try to think of anything else but the thought of her. The possibility of our final mate.

(Y/N) POV:

When I finally trudge back to the apartment, feet aching from having to walk in heels, the door swings open to a fuming Gyeomie who's eyes have become a bright flashing red that makes me gulp in fearful anticipation of what's to come.

But his arms are oddly gentle and careful as they swoop me into his chest, swaying the two of us from side to side, even if he viciously mutters threats into my air- the contrast between his harsh voice and gentle gestures letting me know I'm not in the clear yet.

But when he does lean back, separating the hug, I'm pleased to see that they're not as red, but the disapproval is still there, scrutinising me in a way that makes me feel abashed and slightly shame faced.

He sighs, eyes fluttering shut as he tries to compose himself.

"I know you're an adult and you can go wherever you want, no questions asked. But please—please (Y/N) for the sake of my heart, tell me if you're going to vanish into the night. Especially right after Mark hyung let us know you bumped into Jimin. Do you know how worried I was? How much of a madman I looked like tearing through the exhibition to find you? How much it reminded me of—" and then he cuts off, a pained wounded sound leaving his throat, hands bunching up against my back as he pulls me back in for a hug, eyes flashing again.

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