Chapter 11- a new hope, a new worry

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The door to our house slams open loudly, cutting through the cosy ambience and startling us all. Jimin storms in with a face like thunder, a storm brewing in his eyes and a tightness to his body, energy crackling off him, the message to stay away emitting widely from him.

I shift from where I am on the sofa, turn to scan him with careful eyes. As an empath, I feel a strong echo of what Jimin is broadcasting- hurt, confusion, anger, and disappointment- mingling and intertwining into a big jumbled mess of emotions. It hits me with the force of colliding into a wall at full speed- his emotions smacking into me and forcing me to take a breath to stabilise myself against it.

I unwind my legs off Hobi's lap where he'd pulled them to rest, a small hum as he eased out knots and stiffness- his healing touch doing wonders and making me drowsy with his soothing touch. But right now something's wrong. And it takes a lot to rile Jimin up, he doesn't get angry easily but when he does, it's a sight to behold and fear.

I pad along the carpet after him, he's stormed off upstairs- no doubt seeking out a nook or cranny to calm down in. The tether between us guides me up the stairs, past the bedrooms and higher another level, he's on the roof. The flat roof has long since been furnished into a garden space, Joon-ah's touch and connection with plants has caused the greenery to thrive, flowers budding and blossoming all year round and the greenhouse just next to the house already filled with ripe fruits and veg.

I find Jimin seated under a shrubbery, on a bench that is tucked away from sight. He's sitting with his knees drawn up to his chest, and the vulnerable position sets my instincts to flare, I cross the distance quickly, setting a hand on the nape of his neck to assess if he's hurt, the touch soothing for the both of us.

"What's wrong Jimin-ah?" I ask, allowing the warmth and comfort I want him to feel, what we all feel for each other, seep through my voice, permeate the bond. He leans into the touch, body relaxing under it, a deep exhale- a sound that voices his frustration.

"Nothing hyung, it's silly." He replies, not giving me a proper look at his face.

I gently nudge him slightly, slipping into the space behind him before I scoop him onto my lap, caging his body with my own, cradling him in the cocoon of my arms. It's an unconscious gesture to protect him, my instincts propelling me to hold him close when he's so distressed, as though to shield him from obstacles I can't see but want to save him from regardless.

"Don't say that Jimin-ah. Nothing you feel could ever be silly. Your feelings are yours." I say, tucking him close to me, resting my head on the crook of his shoulder.

"Is it natural to feel disappointed by someone you've just met?" he asks, voice soft as he turns to look me in the eyes, soft brown eyes which beseech an answer.

I hum as I think it over.

"Disappointed in what way? I ask.

"Disappointed that they didn't take your side, and then angry that they didn't understand." He adds.

"You can. It's a normal response. Who was this somebody?" I gently push.

"JB hyung's new nestling. She sided with the humans, it made me feel like an outcast." He adds, hands dropping to look at his hands.

His answer makes me pause. Wasn't Jaebum's new nestling male? Did that mean he had two new nestlings? But over that slight curiosity, came a crashing wave of rage and hurt that one of my soulmates had been made to feel like they didn't belong. That a vampire had sided with humans rather than favouring one of her own.

It stirred up deeply embedded feelings of resentment. Personal experience had taught me that human and vampire cooperation never went well, never walked hand-in-hand together without some sort of backlash and adverse effect.

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