Chapter 88- paintings and pain

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We step inside to the gallery, ears picking up on the low level of chatter, the sound of people moving around, low murmurs as the exhibition is about to begin. There's already a small crowd having formed and yet it's easily that I pick out Ryan from it, standing firm and tall with his mate towards a side, talking to her with his arm draped around her waist.

"Hyung over there!" I say, calling out to Jin hyung who nods, leading the path he weaves effortlessly through people- others parting to let us pass, maybe because of the natural aura a complete coven radiates or maybe something that Jin hyung naturally exudes; a sense of authority and power without even having to demand it.

I stay close to (Y/N), Kookie flanking her other side and Jiminie and the hyungs bringing up the rear, I realise unconsciously all of us have shifted around her, to form a circle of sorts as we walk forward, not wanting her to feel the uncomfortable brush of shoulders or rough motion of people quickly moving past- she's our baby mate and as such, it's an instinctual natural need that drives us to keep her in the centre, covered from all angles by us. And I can't stop darting admiring glances to her side profile, the natural beauty and appeal she's emanating, the way her body is poised and she seems to sense my stare, turning to shoot me a soft smile, rosy lips still slightly swollen and darkened, my eyes burning with satisfaction and pride at the sight, as well as a need to keep her covered from others. It's a mixed feeling, but even so I shift closer, her arm brushing against my side and reach out to lace our fingers together, feeling the way she squeezes reassuringly as well as gratefully; feeling a tinge of her being overwhelmed slightly radiate through the bond.

I make a mental note to stick close to her tonight and to make sure she's always with one of us.

That idea is extremely short-lived when Ryan and Deok-mi greet us with their customary friendly professionalism and yet have no qualms whatsoever to tug (Y/N) out of the protective circle and into their arms, Deok-mi fussing and cooing over her and pressing kisses to her cheeks and Ryan folding her carefully into his arms, causing her to giggle when he leans to whisper into her ear.

The fiery red that sears through my eyes and body is that feeling of him so close to her but I push it back knowing they share a history, have a past together and that he has every right to whisper in her ear and make her giggle, her sweet precious giggle...of course he does.

And yet it's almost immediate with how Joon hyung quickly folds her into his arms afterwards, nodding politely before we turn to enter the exhibition, the doors open slowly- excited anticipation mounting higher and higher like bubbles rising to the surface, close to bursting.

That giddy elation that comes with going to each of Amparo's exhibition, stepping into a dimly lit gallery hall- the only areas of strong light are to cast bright clear glows onto the artwork, everything else is in shadows. Immediately I can pick up that the theme of this exhibition is different, a more deeply rooted exploration of themselves. And as we all slowly walk towards each artwork, stop to take each of them in I feel the thick crashing waves of the emotion in each painting burst out, force everyone to come to a standstill as we look and I feel my heart ache and twist in pain as I look at each violent, bold stroke and lines on the canvas.

Each painting screams with anguish, screams with suffering and pain and feelings of hurt, being lost, drowning in the overwhelming nature of emotions. Each painting hits me like a strike to my body, the feeling of a knife driven in to the hilt- far more painful than the physical experience of it, I knew and could compare.

And I find that I naturally curve towards my mates- seek out comfort and reassurance in them, noting that I'm not the only one shaken by this exhibition. This exhibit of the rawest, most agonising memories Amparo has chosen to share with us, to share with the world. It feels like we're intruding on the most intimate and privates details of them, as if we have no right to intrude on their pain and their grievances.

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