Chapter 80- the shape of you, the shape of your soul

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It's two days after our talk that I find myself being tugged by (Y/N) to someplace in the house, I follow along eagerly but the sweet shy voice that comes out as she asks me to come with her makes me all the more willing. I'd go anywhere for her, with her.

And I'm surprised when we find ourself outside her safe space but she tugs me in, turning to shoot me a soft smile.

"I want to decorate with you." she says, leading me over to where one end of the room there's art supplies already waiting, tins of paint sitting there with brushes perched on the top.

I stop. She turns to look at me with confusion.

"You want me to decorate your safe space?" I ask, hardly daring to believe it, feeling my soul exult and bubble up with giddiness, fizzing and bright.

She nods.

"I want a piece of all you in my safe space. Look...there's what Tae and I did last time." she says, gesturing to two areas in the large open space. I turn to see a mixture of vibrant colours alongside soft pastels and on the other end a wall splattered with paint and handprints. I tilt my head.

"What happened there?" I ask, pointing out the handprints, one distinctly larger than the other two- clearly showing whose is whose. And am pleasantly surprised when she bits her lip and slides her eyes away, and I know if she'd have fed her cheeks would be coloured rose now.

"Umm...that was Tae and I chasing each other." She shares.

The words send a rush of thrill through me.

Would I have the chance to chase her too? To run after our baby mate and set those instincts soaring free as I ran after her, determined to catch her in my arms.

It gives me a pleasant shudder to dance across my spine.

"But I wanted our one to be special too." She murmurs.

I have the beginnings of an idea forming in mind but we need a third person to make it happen.

"Do you mind if I call someone else? They need to help us with something." I ask.

Her head tilts adorably and her eyes flare the slightest bit of red with interest and intrigue and she nods.

I lean forward to kiss her quickly, a quick pressure of soft lips against my own and then I'm hurrying away, calling over my shoulder that I'll be quick.

I return with Kookie in tow, dragging his confused self eagerly behind me even as protests and questions keep bursting out of his lips.

And he's surprised when we reach (Y/N)'s space, feet halting.

But when she appears in the doorway, she takes his hand and leads him inside.

Eyes roving with a look of awe and amazement as he bounds in, easily following the gentle tugs and guiding hand of (Y/N) to rush towards her, face split in an adorable bunny smile.

"Hobi oppa said he needed you to help him with something." She says once we reach our spot again.

"Kook-ah I need you to trace something for me." I say.

He looks confused, so does (Y/N).

"Why do you need me for that, (Y/N)'s an art student- she knows how to trace way better than you hyung." Kookie teases.

"She can't trace herself can she." I say proudly.

The two of them startle.

But I already know what I want to do.

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