Chapter 46- sweet mornings

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(Y/N) POV:

Being in the car with two of my mates in such close proximity is both unnerving and exhilarating. It makes my heart thud at their close proximity, at the way Jungkook doesn't sit at the front but asks me to scoot over so he can plant himself next to me. It makes me feel less alone and more assured- and not to mention the beautiful, innocent smile he sends me makes my heart twist in giddiness and before I know it I'm reaching forward to press a kiss to the curve of his cheek. And when I lean back his eyes twinkle and he grins, leaning to intertwine our fingers, squeezing lightly.

"Morning sweet mate." He whispers as if I'm confidence to me, as if those words are just meant for my ears to hear, a whisper, a caress. It brings the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Morning Jungkookie..." I whisper back but I have no doubt that up front Yoongi has heard- if the slight tug of his lips is any indication as he drives us, hands expertly managing the car as he pulls up in front of a cute cafe.

When the car comes to a smooth stop, Jungkook is already unfastening my seatbelt for me, leaning over to remove it and in that moment when he looks up, head at a lower position I can see all the fine details of his face clearly- see the way his eyes glitter with a thousand thoughts and emotions- so expressive, round and welcoming in their soft brown warmth. The way his mouth parts in surprise for a moment, rosy and giving way to a flash of teeth and that when he smiles at me- it's incredibly endearing to look at. He leans forward to kiss the tip of my nose, drawing our intertwined fingers towards him as he guides me out of the car, arm going around to wrap around my arms in a comforting hold.

And Yoongi is holding the door open to the café to the two of us, eyes gentle and roving around slightly before settling back onto us. There's a new soft side to Yoongi, small subtle gestures that I'd picked up that he'd used on the others and he does now- perhaps even unconsciously. The way he makes sure the two of us are seated before sitting down, sliding the menus over to us and waiting. Or the way his hand rests lightly on Jungkook's back- setting there even as he leans forward to hear the two of us talk and discuss- face showing that he's giving us his undivided attention. Or the way when Jungkook scampers to the front to pick up our orders- he suddenly leans over to draw my head forward, letting me escape the wild swinging of a bag of someone who comes rushing in.

I smile gratefully at him but he's already turned to watch Jungkook come back, balancing a tray that's far more laden than the items we'd ordered.

But all of those curiosities fly out of my head when he sets the tray down proudly, a cute row of cupcakes decorated and lettered to spell 'sweet mate' in icing and my drink coming with a cute message attached to the cup.

I can't help the smile that tugs itself widely across my face, beaming at Jungkook who's clearly been waiting in silent anticipation for my reaction but his own bunny smile comes out in response and he sits down next to Yoongi with a happier demeanour.

And when he nudges the cupcakes towards me, it's with a soft sweet shyness that adorns his face with spots of rosy colour on the high of his cheeks and a smile that lights his expression up.

And when I bite in, I fail to keep in the hum of pleasure at the way the flavours burst across my tongue and incidentally are one of my favourite flavours, and I shoot him a grateful smile over the top of my cupcake- eyes crinkling with happiness.

When I put the cupcake down though, there's a soft fond huff of laughter- the sound amused and I see Yoongi reaching out with a napkin- gently wiping away the smear of icing I'd accidentally smeared onto my face, touch gentle and slow. But he stops to stare at me, frozen in his action midway and I tense up waiting for him to withdraw, for the hand to fall to his side. But he resumes the action and then leans back with a soft mumble of how all his maknae mates were the same. The words sending a jolt of warmth as I realise he's included me into that- and the shy smile he sends me is one that is grateful that I didn't push him away and that I'd allowed him to refer to me as one of his own.

Bound by BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora