Chapter 82- bonds of love

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Post-feed (Y/N) is an adorable, cute ball of energy and paired with post-feed Yoongi hyung is a sight to behold- with how lax and loose his limbs have become and how he's readily curled up happily with his head on (Y/N)'s lap as she reads, fingers absent-mindedly massaging at his scalp.

He looks perfectly content and (Y/N)'s got a visible energetic boost, her eyes are lively and animated and when they rove around the room, they hold less of the fatigue and exhaustion she seemed to be weighed down with for the past few weeks.

And yet when Yoongi hyung drifts to sleep, face pressed onto her leg, it's clear that she itches to move and yet is torn with the need to keep still and allow hyung to use her as a pillow.

I get up from the opposite couch and pad over.

"Need some help baby?" I ask as I get close. She makes a shushing gesture, finger against her lips as she looks down at Yoongi hyung but then nods.

I gently cradle hyung's head in my arms, kneeling down in front and lifting it off her lap, allowing her to wriggle and slide out. She puts down a cushion and I lower hyung's head back onto it, lowering my head to press a kiss to his forehead before rising.

Besides me (Y/N) is shifting on her feet, clearly wanting to do something to release her pent-up energy, her behaviour post-feed was one to be rivalled with and she takes no time in hesitating as she tugs me forward by my hand, leading me into the kitchen.

And gently nudges me into a chair, smiling before she goes bustling off around the kitchen- flitting from place to place with a greater ease, smiling happily when the house interacts to help her, opening cupboard doors when she murmurs aloud where the pasta is kept, where she tries to find a large pot and even opening the fridge to reveal the fresh veg she's on the hunt for. The smile that spreads across her face, alongside the look of awe has me silently debating whether the house does in fact have a partially soft spot for her, for the only female mate in the nest. For the small, young nestling who's still treading uncertainly and trying to adjust.

There's a moment where she's turning on the stove, frustrated that it doesn't turn on when the house does it for her, igniting the largest hob with a small flame, that only increases in size when the pot is placed down onto it and she's retreated to another end. 

Jin hyung and Tae enter the kitchen, talking when they stop to observe the scene in front of them, smiling.

Tae is about to bound forward when her head whips around, eyes narrowing onto him.

"Sit down Tae, you too oppa." She calls, gesturing to the table, eyes making it very clear she doesn't want them to help.

And when Tae whines and complains, lamenting about the cooking skills he wants to impress her with she brings a plate of snacks forward, feeding him so he'll quieten down as he chews happily around the mouthful she's brought to his lips.

Jin hyung has this bright gleam of pride and tenderness as he looks at her, clearly recalling the last time we'd seen her so in her zone in the kitchen. And yet he worries when she lifts the pot to drain the pasta, rising to his feet and voicing his concern aloud.

But this time, she's got the enhanced strength- her arms don't waver and shake under the size and weight of the large filled pot which she carries with ease to the sink to drain. But the red gleam of protective worry doesn't fade from his eyes and when she goes about making the sauce, he shifts to go forward.

"Oppa let me." she says, trying to regain control of the space where she'd gone to chop vegetables. He shakes his head and when he turns to rinse some, she quickly slides into place- a happy victorious smile on her face as she begins the task.

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