Chapter 49- new day, new...

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I glance at the clock and smile when I note there's enough time for me to snag a little nap with (Y/N) before waking her up for lessons. I slide out of bed and pad over to her room, opening the door and relaxing at the scent that seeps out- comforting and familiar.

I happily clamber into her bed and pull her sleeping figure easily towards me for morning cuddles, long limbs wrapping around her frame. I sigh contentedly, nestling my head close, breathing in her sweet comforting scent when suddenly my hold around her stiffens, and a sharp intake of breath when I note her scent seems different. I turn her over with my arms so I can see her and get about waking her up.

"(Y/N)...wake up." I demands, watching her blink her eyes open- trying not to melt under the adorable sight, not when there's pressing matters to attend to.

"What's wrong Gyeomie?" she ask, half-asleep still.

"Why do you smell of the Bangtan coven, more so like Taehyung? His scent is over you." I ask.

Her eyes flash open with alarm. And I know I've caught her out on it.

She tries to delve under the covers of her blankets, arms scrabbling to pull them up but I've already snagged onto them and yank them away, eyes narrowing onto the way her cheeks begin to redden.

Everyone has a natural scent intrinsic to them but it's not easily passed onto someone else, nor does it linger for so long- so what on earth had the two been upto that had caused Taehyung hyung's scent to leave it's imprint on her.

And if I could lose colour, I'm sure I would've blanched when my mind makes the connections for me.

And I look down at her with muted horror and dawning realisation.

"You..." I mutter vehemently, torn between the urge to shake her or hide her away from them. They've already began to taint my sweet mallow? I groan, eyes shutting at the image the thought threatens to paint, a shudder rushing through me.

"Gyeomie stop saying it like that. I didn't comment when you came home all those times---" she retorts but tails off- implications clear in her incomplete sentence; all the times I came home with hyung's claims laid all over me- throat decorated colourfully and dressed in their clothes.

She has a point but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

"Go shower. His scent is masking yours from coming out fully." I grumble, pushing her towards the edge of the bed even whilst remaining careful that I don't shove too hard and she goes tumbling off.

She huffs and protests and groans but slides out of her bed, muttering as she goes over to her closet to pick out clothes and her mumbling continues as she slides into the bathroom, complaining about how unfair I am.

I smile wryly at the pout in her voice and slide out to go do something whilst waiting for her to get out.

Something it turns out is waiting on the couch, listlessly flicking through TV channels until my phone rings.

I scoop it up, answering the phone with a smile when Jaehyun's name appears.

"Hi Jaehyun, how've you been?" I greet, phone pressed to my ear.

"I've been good. But we should meet up soon, I see Bambam more because of lessons anyways." He says.

"Ah but...I was actually trying to call (Y/N) but she isn't answering." He says, voice slightly tinged with worry.

"Ahh she's in the bathroom getting ready. Is something up?" I ask curiously.

"Just wanted to see if she wanted to head to lessons together, I'm walking towards campus  and figured we could go together." He says and just as he's speaking, the bathroom door opens bringing heat, (Y/N) and her naturally sweet scent with it- mingling with the scents of the products she's just used.

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