Chapter 31- the night takes a turn

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(Y/N) POV:

Even though the events of what happened just above those stairs leave me aching and hurt, I allow Namjoon to guide me down the stairs- his eyes constantly darting over his shoulder to make sure I'm there, that I'm fine- maybe there's multitudinous reasons. And I don't know whether the coven is telepathic or just extremely attuned to each other because the four of them are already looking at the doorway we enter through and there faces are nothing less of sad understanding.

Seokjin is the closest so when I enter and our eyes meet, I wonder if it's a trick of the light that I see a slightly golden hue to his irises- but then within the next instant they've vanished and his normal soft brown greet me.

The intensity of all four of them staring at me and Namjoon as we enter makes me duck the bottom half of my face into the scarf Namjoon wrapped around me; I breathe in the light soft scent of detergent- one familiar thing amidst the unfamiliar surroundings I'm still in.

Hoseok's look is sympathetic and understanding- he's been perhaps the one I've easily connected to, someone who has been genuine and friendly from day one, from before we even knew that we were mates, so when he gestures with a slight tilt of his head; indicating that the seat next to him is there for me should I want it. I easily walk over and sink into the couch, not missing the way that Taehyung eyes the gesture with an intent look from where he's perched on Seokjin's lap. There's a soft intimacy in the way he's nestled close to Seokjin's neck, mouthing lightly at it and it makes me avert my eyes because it's not something that includes me, not yet anyways.

But today hasn't gone catastrophically and it's shown me a ray of hope that is surprisingly vivid and illuminous- basking a warm glow over me with the potential of what our tomorrow could hold, even if those shadows exist and threaten to grow and loom out, I can't let it overwhelm the light that does exist. I have to give this a chance.

Not only for me. But for them too. So no regrets remain.

There's a small silence until Hoseok speaks up from next to me.

"For what it's worth I'm sorry that hyung and Jimin-ah are treating you like that. I can't justify their actions but they're hurting on an extremely deep level and not coping well with it." He says with a sad sigh, hands running through his hair with slight frustration and hurt, red tinging his eyes.

"No Hoseok, you don't need to apologise for them. We all make our choices. I guess I'll just have to live with the decision they've made." I reply, but there's hurt in my voice that I can't disguise, at the knowledge that two of my mates have rejected me before we could begin.

"But—but, if you're all willing too then I'm willing to try." I add, turning my body to face the rest of them where now Namjoon has pulled Jungkook into his side.

The others look at me with glittering eyes, eyes that melt from brown to red and I can see the thick charge of energy that suddenly fills the room. The flower pot that had been next to me suddenly jerks and the tendrils slowly come forward, gently brushing across my hand that is resting on one of the arms of the couch. I flinch at the sudden touch but turn in awe when the soft curious touches of the plant continue to run and intertwine over my hand- as if it's greeting me, intertwining with me.

And then Namjoon coughs and the tendrils retreat.

I turn to him.

"Sorry, my magic flared just a bit after what you said." He says abashed.

But the apologetic bashful look just brings a smile to my face.

And then Seokjin speaks, voice slightly hoarse- leaning forward with a bright gleam in those red eyes.

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