Chapter 64- and nothing can put it together

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"Yoongi-ah stop pacing. It won't make time go quicker we still have two hours until she finishes from work." Jin hyung says from where he's sitting on the couch, perched on the edge, and looking ready to leave too.

I shake my head, feet continuing to pace back and forth.

"No hyung there's something wrong. Something that doesn't feel right. Doesn't sit right." I mutter, feeling the trained eyes of the other six intently on me.

"I feel weird...there's an achy feeling here." Kookie whispers, pressing a palm to his chest. So I'm not the only one then. The others are curled around each other, seeking comfort from each other's presences.

"That's it. I'm going to go now. It doesn't matter if I'm early and the feeling was nothing, I have to go to her now." I decide suddenly spinning on my heels to walk towards the hallway, hearing the others move and hurry behind me.

"Fine, let's go." There's no argument from hyung which makes me wonder how long he'd been wanting to leave to but was feigning calm for the others.

There's only anxious silence as the two of us pull on our shoes but before we leave there's a low pleading voice.

"Hyung bring her back safe." Tae asks, voice trembling.

We turn to face him.

"I'll do anything to make that happen Tae-ah." I say as we leave,  the sickening feeling making it difficult to dredge up a reassuring smile for him.

The drive begins in a worried silence but as we get closer to her work, I decide to call the shop.

A woman answers but it's not (Y/N). (Y/N) who should've answered, who should be there. I force myself to remain calm as I ask where she is but I feel my heart plummeting swiftly when she tells me that (Y/N)'s gone, finished work early.

Why on earth didn't we know that? My hand trembles as I lower the phone, eyes darting to the side.

"She's not there. Finished early." I say, hearing the waver of my tone.

Hyung takes in a deep breath, harsh in the silence.

"Call her. Call (Y/N)." he says in a measured tone, feigning calm when I can see how tightly he's clenching the steering wheel.

The phone rings on and on but isn't answered, each long ring sounding infinite and endless- dragging out but never being picked up.

I can feel nausea and panic begin to well up and I ring her again, silently begging and pleading for her to answer, for her to be fine.

Please (Y/N). Please answer.

"Gyeomie I just said—" her voice suddenly comes out, annoyed slightly.

My fingers fumble to put her on loudspeaker, know hyung's realised when his head whips to the side to stare at the phone. 

"(Y/N)! Where are you? You're not at work!" I ask hurriedly, voice coming out harsh and impatient. She doesn't answer.

"Listen whatever you do, do not wander off. Do you understand?" I add, pleading and willing her to listen, to understand- panic seeping into my voice. 

"But I—" she starts before I cut her off.

"NO! DO NOT! You can't!" I insist, voice breaking slightly with desperation and worry. She has to stay with whoever she's with.

But then there's the sound of her shifting slightly, attention occupied by someone else. My soul wrenches itself into a knot, suffocated and twisting with need and urgency to get to her.

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