Chapter 163- and painful pasts

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I glance up at the clouds, frowning at the cluster of them steadily gathering and growing darker, a grey blot seeping across the once blue from earlier.

Had I been up here that long?

I was so sure that Jin hyung had popped up only an hour or so back, warning me that there was going to be a storm later, so sure that he'd left the jug of lemonade recently but the sky had begun to darken and the jug was empty. And when he'd popped by with his warning, the sun had been at its peak.

I groan as I stretch, clambering to my feet, already wincing with the inevitable chiding look Jin hyung was going to give me when I came back. And to worsen it heavy droplets of rain begin to fall, a drizzle that quickly turns to a heavy downpour, clothes plastering to skin with cold wetness that threatens to seep into already cool skin.

And though I know vampires don't catch colds in the same way, that it's harder to for even the coldest temperatures to even begin to affect our own constant fixed temperature, I also know that Jin hyung's fussing will follow regardless. And with soaked clothes clinging to my body as I scoop up the jug and rush for the stairs I know without hyung's ability to see visions that I'm in for a resigned pouty mate.

True to word, Jin hyung's waiting at the base of the stairs, eyeing me with a weary sigh as he unfolds the large towel he'd been holding, wrapping it around me and tugging me close as he begins to pat me dry.

"Hyung I—" I begin.

Jin hyung shakes his head, a rueful smile on his face as his eyes flash red.

"Flower I already know you're going to say you got carried away. And I already knew that despite my warning I was going to end up with a dripping mate. Guess somethings can't be avoided." He says, lips quirking when he runs a smaller towel through my hair.

I make a move to reach for the towel, other hand curling to keep the big one wrapped around me but it falls away when he gives me a look, indulgent look on his face as he carefully dabs up the water dripping down my face.

"Get into a hot bath will you love?" he says.

I frown and then laugh, lips creasing.

"Then why go to the effort of drying me up hyung?" I ask.

"If I leave you all cold and wet, the chill will sink in. But that doesn't mean I don't want you hopping under hot water right now." He says easily.

"Now pucker up. I want a kiss for all my efforts." Hyung says once he's satisfied, lips curving wide when I instinctively lean forward, humming happily as he closes the distance between us.

Jin hyung leans to press a scorching kiss to my lips, heated and fiery and pinning me to him, hand curling aaround my nape in a possessive tug as he clutches at me. Lips soft and warm and demanding, the shape of them imprinted against my own

My hand falls from around the towel to grip at him, tugging him close, hand curving under his shirt to touch skin, a breathless gasp exhaled against my lips when my cold fingers touch his warm skin, feel him wriggle even as he tugs me closer to him, squirming slightly.

"Get warm. Then come find me." Jin hyung murmurs as he presses a quick kiss to my lips as he leans away. My hand around his waist tightens, drawing him closer, unwilling and unwanting to let go.

"Why don't you get warm with me hyung?" I murmur, peppering kisses against his jaw, pleading murmurs as I brush my lips across warm skin.

"I don't you deserve it? After not listening to hyung?" he whispers back even if he tilts his head back to allow for access, even if he shudders when I mouth at his throat.

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