Chapter 59- the present and the past

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I can't stop gawping at the three of them, eyes wide open and I can feel the sheer need that bubbles and spills through the bond- heady, thick, and dizzying. Behind me I can hear stifled sounds and the sounds of our mates shifting closer, bodies pressing nearer into a crowded formation- the bond electrifying and urging.

Hobi and Jiminie look so close to slipping and giving in to their urges, instinctual and raw- eyes gleaming with a fiery, passionate red. And between them, plastered to her side is (Y/N) who looks sinfully debauched, hair falling down in attractive tendrils around a face that's flushed, eyes dilated and pooled with similar want, lips bitten to an attractive red, swollen, and plump- scent wafting sweetly around us all.

"Hobi..." I say, voice coming out as a growl as I take in the satisfied glints to their eyes, the way they're almost seeming to purr with contentedness, smiling brightly- fangs poking out as they look back at me. Not a single shred of regret on their faces.

It's clear they enjoyed themselves, very much so..

But of all  the places they decided to show their affection and attraction was in a dance studio? She deserves to be cherished, pampered, slowly shown just how much she means to us, but still the sight of our mate, our temptress threatens to shatter the restraints we'd enforced onto ourselves, of holding back. It's so hard to and all we're doing is seeing the aftereffects.

"Hoseok-ah, Jimin-ah." Yoongi speaks, voice full of warning and dark promise, voice deep and taking on a raspy quality.

The two shrink slightly but I can see the gleam of a challenge lighting in their eyes, they have no intention of seeming abashed, not even feigning it. They've enjoyed themselves too much.

"Dinner." I bite out, tugging (Y/N) out gently from between them, ignoring their protests and whines. Tae tags onto her other side, smiling brightly as he escorts her away, satisfaction in his posture as he leads her away- already beginning a stream of chatter.

"We'll have a chat later." I say to the two of them before turning to leave.

A very serious chat about why nearly sending all three of them into a pheromone high in a space as confined and shut off as a dance studio isn't the best idea.

But for now. It's time for dinner, a time for me to relish in seeing my mates eat and enjoy what I've made. The chat will wait until later. Until (Y/N) is safely tucked away from it all.


The moment Joon returns from dropping      (Y/N) off- returning with a sad pout until Jin hyung kisses it away, turning him into a giggly, fumbling mess as he sends him away with a promise to go to him soon and the other maknaes have led each other away, giggling quietly amongst themselves, Jin hyung and I turn to Hobi and Jiminie who now finally are beginning to look just a tad bit shamefaced.

"Hyung we didn't do anything wrong. She's our mate, it's natural to want to be with her in such a way." Jiminie says, voice soft and slightly defensive.

"We're not saying you did sweetheart." Jin hyung replies, voice smooth and soft and sweet- eyes glittering with amusement.

"And hyung if you would've been there, it was the way she moved, the way she smelt...hyung you can't resist her, not with how sweet and tempting her scent is, not with the way she looked so perfect with us." Hobi says, voice a mixture of a whine and pleasant memory- becoming deeper as he recollects it, eyes looking slightly glazed.

"Yah! The point is you guys were dancing, her temperature went up, you guys were producing pheromones that mingled with her scent all in a tightly confined space. Any of you could've been put into a pheromone high!" I say, leaning forward from where I'm sitting, trying to get it across to them just how easily things could've become a blur, they could've rushed into something she wasn't ready for- that any of them might hold regrets for.

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