Chapter 53- sweetness comes in people too

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It's after the lesson, with Eunwoo once again acting as the wall between us; and I just know he's enjoying himself as he does it, draping himself casually over (Y/N), hogging her attention and even going so far as to steal the snack she's about to bring to her lips.

They're all acts I let happen because they're friends but there's something that just rubs the wrong way when I see her food getting stolen. My instincts vehemently whisper that my mate isn't getting to eat well, that she won't be full if Eunwoo keeps it up at this rate and it makes my fingers twitch with the urge to just pull him off. But the devious smile he shoots me over his shoulder as she complains, those eyes reddened with amusement and a teasing tilt of his lips give away that he knows perfectly well what he's doing and how much it's bothering me.

But it's after the lesson that I finally get her to myself. It's like Eunwoo is insistent on playing a game only he knows the rules to, and with a bright wave he vanishes into the crowd. I slowly intertwine our fingers, smiling down at her when she squeezes my hand before letting out a fond huff of laughter.

"Eunwoo's playing with you." she muses aloud, eyes sliding up to meet my eyes.

"I know." I say. There's nothing that needs to be done or said. If this is his way of asserting whether I'm a suitable mate for (Y/N) then so be it. I'll put up with the relentless teasing. Just for her.

But I still relish and bask in that comfort and warmth that comes from being in her presence even if it's only for a while as I walk her to her history class. The stares remain but I've learned to tune them out and slowly even (Y/N) is learning to- but there's still a tightness to her posture that I wish I could remove, I want to turn to glare at the others but what matters more to me is how warm and perfect she feels next to me- she's the one who captures my focus and attention, not them.

She's my mate. Not theirs. And it's with a deep sense of satisfaction and tenderness that seeps through my bones when we reach the outside of her class and despite the students entering, some waiting for others, that she turns to me and stretches upward, tiptoeing slightly to brush a kiss across my cheek. And the sweet flush and shy smile is a bonus, so are the words that spill out in her sweet, honeyed voice.

"Get home safely Jungkookie." She says.

And I don't care how many eyes are on us, people be damned but I scoop her close into an embrace, swaying slightly with her before leaning back to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Take care baby." I say, the endearment slipping out. And her eyes widen before crinkling with happiness, and I know it doesn't matter, it fits. Because she's our baby mate, my only baby mate and I'd do anything for her and to keep her happy.

So I watch as she disappears into the class, a smile still on my lips and when I turn come face to face with Jimin hyung.

"Hello Kookie. Did you come to see me?" he asks, voice alight with a teasing tone.

"No hyung, I came to drop (Y/N) off. Did you get the snacks?" I ask, watching as his face falls comically before he raises the bag and shakes it tauntingly.

"You can't have it until I get a kiss." He says, looking expectantly at me, clearly waiting for me to comply.

"Hyung they're not for me, they're for (Y/N)- I was worried she might get hungry." I say but I still lean forward to peck his lips before stepping away.

"Have fun hyung." I call as I leave, to the sound of his disbelieving laugh.

And the slight worry that she would've gone hungry until the end of lessons is soothed. Because Jiminie hyung will take care of her.

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