Chapter 73- healing comes in many forms

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Walking with (Y/N) the short stretch from the car, where Jin hyung had parked as close as possible to the art building, to the classroom has me nervous and attentive. I can't help but feel extremely protective, even though I know the human students can't detect the change in her- not unless she physically expresses signs of being a vampire, but I still note curious eyes from vampire students as they turn and pause- intrigue in the way they detect her sweet strong scent underlying with someone that's intrinsically nest, something that gives a subtle indication that of her newly changed status.

I shift closer, angling her body closer to mine so the others can get the clear idea- she's our mate, but she leans in anyways; discomfort tinging through the bond with sorrow. Sorrow as she realises that she'll be gawped at, first because she was our only human mate in a coven initially renowned for being exclusively vampires and now because she was also a vampire. I know it would raise rumours, crude ideas and crafted stories.

But without incident we manage to make into the classroom, and as we enter the few vampire students who do turn are quick to turn away- respecting (Y/N) and not intruding on her, the art class is one of the few spaces on campus where I truly feel safe and content, there's no discrimination, no divide between students, all the students are open-minded and welcoming of either race. The art class therefore is a safe space for (Y/N) too.

But what it doesn't keep her safe from is Eunwoo. Who balks at the sight of her and nearly sends his canvas clattering, only managing to right it at the last moment as he stares wide-eyed at her, irises turning bright red as his mouth dropped open.

"What are you doing here?" Eunwoo hisses, voice harsh and firm as he steps closer to (Y/N) and it was sheer control and force over my instincts that kept me from snapping at him and pushing him away from approaching my mate.

But (Y/N) seems unfazed, unperturbed as she gazes up at him with a steeliness that matches his own and I realise again that the two are friends, closely knit and tight; and as such confrontational too it seems.

"I have class in case you forgot." She coolly replies before moving around him to get to her chair, dropping into it with a force that makes me wince, thinking she'll be in pain but apart from a slight tightness around her lips, she doesn't betray any other feeling.

I hurry around to her side, dropping in front of her seat as I try and see if she's hurting, flicking my gaze upwards to shoot her a reprimanding look to find that she's already shooting me an apologetic look.

Eunwoo stalks forward.

"I meant. Why are you in class when you haven't fully healed?" he asks, voice tight and wavering with emotion.

"Because I wanted to be Eunwoo. I want to feel normal. Is that too much to ask for?" she says, voice tight but I can hear the vulnerability in it, the genuine nature of the question- unconsciously she wants to be reassured what she's doing is fine, that she wants the validation of one of her closest friends.

Eunwoo's face changes, shifts into something tender and loving and soft and he leans forward, gently wounding his arms around her shoulders as he draws her in- nothing but sheer concern and affection as he leans forward to press a kiss to her head.

"It's perfectly fine. And it's what you want, you can have it. It's not too much at all." He murmurs softly. But even so as he sinks into his self-claimed chair in the middle, he continues to pause during lesson to keep checking up on her, to lean forward and ask quietly if she's fine, if she needs anything. And I know it because more than the work we're creating, I keep glancing to her, keep checking up on her- instincts brushing gently against the bond we share and whispering to check up on my mate, to see if she's in discomfort.

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