Chapter 55- double date

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I carefully scan the room, taking in the equipment piled up onto the floor and waiting to be used, I take in the empty walls, the fact that it is void of any furnishings and anyone save for myself. A quick glance to the windows, one in the ceiling and the others around the room show that they're void of curtains. Perfect. Now all I need to do is wait for Yoongi hyung to return with (Y/N)- if the first part of the date is done well, then this second part should go smoothly too. But even as I leave, closing the door behind me, I can't help but nervously glance at what lies inside and fervently pray that (Y/N) likes this. And with all my hopes and fears piled high onto my shoulders, I leave- locking the door, even though if the house wanted to; no-one could enter anyways.


I stir the spoon in my tea, metal clinking against the ceramic mug- mindlessly, constantly whilst my eyes remained glued on the scene in front of me, lips twitching with amusement at what unfolds in front of my eyes.

When I had returned home last night with Youngjae hyung dropping me off- stealing a kiss in the hallway and then reluctantly letting go, I had entered to the familiar sounds and smells of (Y/N) cooking- and it had been long enough, two whole days, since she'd cooked for me and I was more than ready for this. She'd turned with a soft smile, hands clad in oven gloves as she brought a steaming pot to the table, gesturing for me to sit down before she began piling food onto my plate. I could only beam and tuck in eagerly, but after I'd noticed the almost nervous way she'd been examining me, I knew something was up.

What I didn't expect was her to sorrowfully whisper how bad she felt for not spending more time with me, with the coven and it had all made perfect sense. She was in her very soft usual way, feeling way more guilt than she needed to be, but even so had clung to my arm and looked at me with glistening eyes- mouth spilling her worries that the coven didn't want to see her anymore. And that was it. I couldn't have her passing the night away with worries and tears so I told her to grab her bag and to go. We were going to the nest, to put a stopper in this before it mounted inside her and eventually burst- in what I knew from experience would be a very tearful ordeal.

If Jackson hyung was surprised that I was entering the nest not two hours after I had left, he made no comments about it- just smiled and gestured with his arms wide open for a hug. But when (Y/N)'s smaller frame tentatively poked out from behind me, eyes almost nervously falling on him, all had been forgotten and my mate had bounced to his feet with a joyous expression and a loud exclamation of '(Y/N)' bursting from his lips as he rushed forward to sweep her into his arms for a bear hug.

His loud shout had drawn the others out in curiosity but their faces had lit up at the sight of her swaying in Jackson hyung's embrace as he rocked the two of them, smiles spreading across their faces and had all eagerly bustled around her, so eager and ready and willing to shower her with love.

But when she'd turned out of the hug and saw the rest of them hovering around her happily, I saw her lip wobble dangerously and that was it. She burst into tears. The suddenness of her crying shocking everyone into action as they all burst into a worried fussing, hovering over her- eyes glinting red with protectiveness over a threat to her happiness that they couldn't yet see.

And it took lots and lots of cuddles, a long chat- interrupted only by loud reassurances from my mates, cups of hot chocolate, blankets and everyone reassuring her that her guilt was unfounded for her to finally drop off to sleep- tear-stained face leaning onto JB hyung's arm, face finally relaxing once she'd given into the exhaustion.

Which brings me to the sight in front of me now. Which is incidentally the others rushing in their haste to be the ones closest to (Y/N). it's comical how I can see the determination making their eyes flash red and them using their speed to their advantage- which consequently only results in Youngjae hyung and Bambam crashing into each other- toppling if it hadn't been for their quick reflexes. And hilariously enough, it's Jinyoung oppa and Mark oppa who with their calm demeanour and misleading casual gaits snag the seats either side- drawing her happily into their arms.

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