Chapter 20- I want something just like this

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I don't know what to say that could possibly reach through hyung's anger and hurt and help him calm down. I didn't know what to say when Jin hyung confronted her, but he was right- there was the unmistakeable tug towards her. Reeling me in.

When she came to the coven- she had been wearing her own clothes, and therefore her scent had come in unrestrained in thick potent waves- enthralling to my sense and pushing my vampire instincts into overdrive- the intoxicating scent of her blood urging me to get close, and when it intertwined with the recognition, the call that this was our mate- it became a tempting desire to mate her.

From the moment she stepped in, I tried to breathe shallowly- trying to keep my instincts at bay, fingers tightly fisting into the fabric of my trousers- knuckles whitening in my restraint.

And when she had spoken, voice filled with ire and strength- I realised that it had been the girl from my lessons- voice now filled with a low simmering rage, the softness still the same but the emotions different- it showed a different sort of strength in her, the fight for herself- the will to not let her race undermine her. And I was both fascinated by it and respected her for it.

But that didn't mean I didn't feel shame in not having intervened, to have stopped hurtful words from being flung into the silent room carelessly, I saw the flinch, saw the hurt flashing in her eyes as she brushed past. And I did nothing. Not only had I failed Jin hyung but also failed our new mate.

And the knowledge of that stung.

And the distress and anger rolling off Jin hyung made his end of the bond heavy and burdened- as if he was struggling to cope with the brunt of his words himself, and he was silently hurting too- from his own actions.

And it doesn't help at all that Yoongi hyung is already waiting at the door- ever the perceptive empath but his eyes are wary and examining- trying to assess the situation before deciding how he needs to interject himself. Mind made up, he slots an arm around hyung's waist taking him with him to the small greenhouse on the terrace- deciding that he needs some time to calm down, and I realise that it'll keep hyung occupied, able to vent his pent-up emotions through gardening rather than unfairly letting it out onto the others. And I watch them leave with a torn heart- mind confused as to how and where we go from here. Even though hyung has taken him away, there's no doubt that questions will be asked, questions I don't know if any of them are ready to hear the answer to. And that now one more person knows that something is up, I don't want to deceive the maknaes- but I'd rather keep them in the dark until the mess is sorted out.

Jiminie gestures to me from the sofa, arms stretched wide for me to slide into, nestling my head onto his lap- his fingers immediately start combing through my hair- a gentle scrape of his fingers against my scalp, and I try to resist the urge to arch my head further into it.

He smiles down at me, eyes crinkled slightly as he leans down to press a kiss to my cheek.

"Cheer up hyung, whatever it is, time will solve." He says softly, an empathetic look in his eyes.

We sit in companionable silence, silence that gives me the window to speak if I wanted to, but I choose to remain silent, curling my head towards his stomach instead, fingers sliding up the back of his tee to rest against his skin.

The touch of skin contact instantly soothing me- Jimin exudes natural allure, something magnetic that demands your attention and reels you in. And with the bond between us humming contentedly, I allow myself to lie there and let his comforting presence lull me into sleep- brain wanting to escape from the whirlwind of thoughts still troubling it.

And the sinking feeling that hadn't left since we had been at the Ims nest- the knowledge that she had left without her coat and scarf; lying there morosely, abandoned when she had rushed out.

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