Chapter 12- exhaustion lands you in the lap of trouble...almost

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(Y/N) POV:

It's a few days before Christmas break and I've been rushing between classes, shifts at the book café and visiting the art gallery where the exhibition is going to take place to make sure everything is set up. Time is flying by too quickly; everything is a blur of rushing from one place to another and there's no time for a breather.

Everything seems to be piling up and it's giving me sleepless nights. No matter how exhausted I am at the end of the day, I want nothing more to sink into bed and fall asleep- surrender myself to dreams or the familiar blackness behind my eyes, but my brain doesn't let me shut down.

It whirs busily, bringing new thoughts, worries and ideas to mind, desperately invading my sleep-deprived mind and forcing me to think more and more, dwell further on the matters.

On nights I stay awake, I seek out Gyeomie, his reassuring familiar presence able to lull me to sleep, something deeply inside me soothed by him. But despite that all, sometimes my eyes fly open earlier than they should, dark sky still peeking through the curtains- and after that I resign myself to staying awake, so slide out of bed and pad to the living room, curling up with a hot mug and trying to be productive in the early hours of the morning, sun rising and light filtering through as I sit there piles of paper surrounding me.

There's a constant weight boring away at my head, a dull hammering sensation that makes it throb and it's painkillers downed with caffeinated drinks that are currently the only thing keeping me awake.

I drag myself lifelessly to the kitchen table, slumping down in it as Gyeomie makes his way over, a frown creasing his lips and furrowing his brows as he crosses the distance and stands over me. I raise my head to look at him, his larger frame is towering over me in an intimidating stance as he looks at me disapprovingly. It's one of those days where I don't have lessons but there's still things to be done, hence I'm sitting here awake at this early hour.

"(Y/N). You need to rest." He says firmly, the lack of any term of endearment or nickname giving an insight as to how frustrated he's feeling.

I let my head droop downwards.

"I'm so tired Gyeomie, but my brain just won't shut off." I whisper, bitter and frustrated tears pricking the corner of my eyes, head leaning down to seek respite on my folded arms that rest on the table.

His hand gently brushes across my head, settling on my nape, a soft gentle squeeze before his clothes rustle and he bends down, voice coming directly into my ear.

"I know flower. But you've got to let me help." He says, words soft and tinged with sorrow.

The rational part of me knows he's right. But there's another part of me warring with that, whispering that it's my burdens alone to bear. That there's no need to ask for help.

But I feel so weary. I need to be in optimum condition to run the gallery from behind the scenes, if my brain isn't working to its fullest capacity- how am I meant to actually learn in class or do my job properly. And that exhausted side wins out more.

"Okay..." I mumble into my arms.

There's a relieved sigh from my side.

"Come on (Y/N)-ah. Let's get you to Jinyoung hyung." And the words both instil relief in me as well as dawning horror. I know for a fact he won't be pleased.


I'm right. He's not pleased. He's fuming as he throws open the door and with seething eyes and gentle hands draws me in, out of Gyeomie's hands and into his own arms. Gyeomie's off, calling out a goodbye and threat to 'rest well' or he'll get the coven on me before the door closes.

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